Gauntlets of Drathor

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Gauntlets of Drathor
Type Ancient Artifact

The Gauntlet of Drathor is an ancient mythical item that once belonged to Drathor Aegaton, the mythical King of the Underworld from an ancient tale. The myth stretches back to millennia ago when the planet Fere was still a feudalistic society.


The fable foretells that Drathor was a king of an small kingdom. One day he became gravely ill from a disease unknown to all, but through knowledge and other arts, he was able to find a cure and live on. In that moment he met Death himself, who felt cheated by the Drathor. Death, a cunning liar, then pretended to congratulate him on being clever enough to evade him, and offered an magical item - A gauntlet that would make wearer invisible to the Death. But the fable doesnt end there, instead of being reward for his cleverness, the Gauntlet was actually a part of a cunning plan by Death to kill anyone Drathor cared about or met, so Death could take them for his own. The gauntlet soon corrupted the Drathor mind and everywhere he went around his kingdom, the Death followed. His family was first but not the last and soon only bones riddled his kingdom, corpses and reapers were his loyal subjects, and he was proclaimed the king of a giant tomb by Death himself. The fable ends there, and there isnt much of written history from that time besides old legends and records that a certain kingdom did suffer greatly at the hands of their ruler.


As old records indicate, the gauntlet was first discovered by Jedi archaeologists 2000 years ago, who wrote in their notes that the gauntlet was an artifact of the darkside and should be ether destroyed or kept inside an vault for safekeeping. As the events unfolded the gauntlet never reached the Jedi Order, and the Jedi themselves went missing soon after they reported their discovery. Only recently the gauntlet has been rediscovered at the same archaeological dig site.