Heavy Cargo Mk II

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Heavy Cargo Mk II
Navigational Stats
Max Speed 60 km/h
Maneuverability 0
Sensors 1
Terrain Restrictions Cave Crater Desert Forest Glacier Grassland Jungle Mountain River Rock Swamp Volcanic
Weapons None
Cargo Stats
Weight 3,750 T
Volume 8,000 m3
Weight Capacity 5,000 T
Volume Capacity 8,000 m³
Passengers 25
Hull Statistics
Length 115 m
Hull 100
Ionic Capacity 50
Shield 0
Specials None
Raw Materials
Quantum 29
Meleenium 145
Ardanium 156
Rudic 20
Tibannagas 0
Lommite 28
Rockivory 0
Bacta 0
Hibridium 0
Varium 0
Affiliation Akheton Vehicle Corporation

Built for inter-continental transport, the Heavy cargo MKII is the top rate hauler for the sea. Able to travel as fast as most other boats, it can transport many thousand tons of cargo without stopping. The materials it can carry can construct a small city and when the speed is once again considered it is a formidable planet based hauler. Used infrequently due to it's inability to travel on land, it has found use on many water bound worlds similar to Kamino. Carrying around 20 crew, a limited sensor suite and no weapons, the MKII is good at what it does, but not much else. It requires an escort wherever it goes in order to protect itself from those who would raid shipments of these valuable minerals.