Karmaex Sales

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General Information
Status Active
Leader Cassidy Violet Andromeda
Historical Information
Founded Y20 D41
Political Information
Affiliation Neutral
Type Customs Store

Ever wondered about any of the wares Karmaex sell? Perhaps where they come from or if there is a story behind a particular one(or many)? Well then you found the right holocron page!

The "Island" Map

Lady V herself found and "liberated" this old map from the personal office of a gang boss on Taris after escaping her cell and bindings and going on a small slaughter local Taris gangs to this day call "The crimson escape." Lady V had purposefully let herself be captured by the Taris gang as they had something she needed. Ships. No citizens or working staff were hurt that day on Taris, only the gang Lady V slaughtered in her escape, the woman never could figure out where the map was actually pointing to so Lady V later went on to sell the map in an auction. The known artefact collector "Belloq Tull" was the winner of said auction and holds the map within his extensive collection.

"Wyyyschokk" Circlet

This circlet wasn't just a randomly designed piece, it's design was based on Kashyyyk and it's supposedly most dangerous creature "Wyyyschokk" or "Kashyyykian Giant Weaver" these creatures were thought to be extremely dangerous due to their immobilisation "tactics" of using their giant webs and copious amounts of poisons and because they were thought to be extremely intelligent by Wookiee hunters that hunted the creatures for food.

Lady V pieced the design together after her expedition into Kashyyyk, which had lead her to the infamous Shadowlands. Sometime during her arduous expeditions into the Shadowlands she was, in a form, hired by an immobilised Wookiee hunting party that were on the hunt for a beast that had been plaguing their hunters and settlement for months though it was clear they had failed in their hunt and desired to exile themselves to the Shadowlands for their lack of strength needed in their failure to their tribe. The translation of the Shyriiwook description and name of the creature given by the hunters roughly came to be known as "Great Mother of the roots", the hunters believed this creature was special, a form of mythic and ancient colossal creature awoken from it's deep slumber by the land in a great hunt of the creature's own to test the Wookiee hunters in their hunt. What truly happened in the months following that meeting between the hunting party and Lady V may forever be a mystery as a whole, save for the stories and rumours that had been spread about the mysterious "lady blade" that had rid the Shadowlands of this 'ancient mythical Wyyyschokk.' Several chunks of rumoured abnormal colossal scale Wyyyschokk remains were supposedly found scattered throughout the Shadowlands in utterly grotesque 'totem formations' strewn together with vines and other, much smaller, creature remains. Interested parties who claim to have been lucky enough or stupid enough to have someone venture into the Shadowlands and survive seem to hint at the totems almost being set up as warnings though getting a solid report filled without rumours and speculation of these remains is a feat yet to be achieved. Similarly the hunting party that had exiled themselves to the Shadowlands for their failure seemed to have vanished, taken by the shadows of the unforgiving land of no light or hidden away by choice in the depths of the Shadowlands...Or something else entirely...Nothing seems to shed light on what happened to them after their initial meeting with Lady V.

Draigon Box

The inspiration for this piece was originally found when Lady V and her Karmaex associates were visiting Tatooine on a business trip, Lady V after completing her own business was waiting near a market for her associates whom still had business on the planet. V observed many things that day but the most memorable was a Jawa vendor that was buying old scrap and droids and re purposing them into little creatures and sculptures of scrap parts and pieces, V waited until her teams had completed their business before telling them of the idea she had gotten from the Jawa vendor and they agreed they should make it into some sort of product they sold during the long hyper trip that followed after having left the planet.

Wookie Remembrance Bracelet

The Wookiee remembrance bracelet is a piece in the store due to a cultural trip Lady V and her daughter took to Kashyyyk to learn about Wookiee culture. Her daughter grew close to a few of the Wookiees inhabiting the area the two were staying in and learnt that recently there had been a Wookiee hunting party that had gone missing due to what the Wookiees thought might have been Wyyyschokks. The Wookiees of that tribe offered V and her family some Wookiee remembrance bracelets and showed Lady V's daughter how to make them, as her daughter was the only one really capable of communicating back and forth with the Wookiees of Kashyyyk. On the voyage off of the planet Lady V and her daughter agreed that they would sell Wookiee remembrance bracelets to honour the Wookiee culture. As well as the Wookiee hunting party that had ventured into the Shadowlands to gather food for their tribe.

Lady V's - Spiced Brandy

It took a LOT of trial and error for Lady V to prepare her publicly sold product known as "Lady V's Spiced Brandy" and quite the extensive bit of credits through the cost of ingredients for the multiple trial and errors that were put into making the alcohol what it is today. The actual "brew" is made with a small variety of herbs and spices that burn the throat faintly as it is ingested, the mixing of the chosen herbs and spices causes an incredible kick however. The "brew" is known to 'intensify' the consumers' emotions to become "stronger" and "free" as well as boost moods, some people would say the mood boosting properties of the "brew" make the slight burn worth it for those who wish to try something a little more....Unique in flavour and sensation than the "standard" alcohol offered elsewhere. It is rumoured that certain 'high end' wine bars and clubs refuse to sell the alcohol, deeming it too fight inducing. There are plenty of cantinas and taverns that serve the alcohol however, galaxy wide.

Lady V's - Hard Brandy

This "brew" was one of Lady V's later productions meaning there was less trial and error overall but it was still very much a thing Lady V had to go through in order to perfect the "brew" enough to have it brought into public sales in the store. This brew is made intentionally as "undiluted" as possible to the point that vast amounts of consuming the alcoholic beverage can prove not only harmful but possibly even fatal to the body. The safety instructions printed on the back of each bottle of "Lady V's Hard Brandy" state that two-three bottles is a safe limit of consumer consumption. Consumer discretion is encouraged however.

Lady V's - "Beaker Bonfire Rum"

This rum almost never even made it to public galaxy wide sales. There were multiple experimental stages and versions of the brew ranging from fruit scented and in some cases even flavoured concoctions to drug and even spice infused concoctions. It's unusual packaging is a result of the team (lead by Lady V) producing and brewing the alcohol running out of bottling containers and being forced to improvise with what they could find on hand in the Lady V distillery, the resourceful idea of using a beaker was one that stuck eventually being the "official" bottle the final publicly released rum was distilled, produced and sold in. The rum itself packs a strong spicy punch and when drank in excessive amount will begin to make the consumer feel as though their insides are on the verge of bursting into flames, they are not going to of course however. That is why the rum has the word "Bonfire" in it as a homage to the taste and feeling it gives to the consumer.

KCL (Karmaex Chem Labs) Brand - Glitterstim Infused Cigarettes

This product took close to a few years worth of perfecting and experimenting. The end result is the glitterstim infused cigarettes you see listed before you here. These cigarettes give the user a pleasurable telepathic boost and also help the user to reach a heightened mental state though these effects are most often brief, some cases during the testing phase of the cigarettes even reported of users being able to communicate with the dead on a telepathic level whether this strange gathering of reports is due to the individual smokers being force sensitive or if it were some other unknown variable is still a mystery. The product however IS extremely addictive and casual use can lead to VERY quick overdose and extreme bodily damage, however the negative effects are somewhat "diluted" and weakened due to the "refining" process of the product meaning they are not as strong but overdose very much can still happen. The recommended intake for this product is 1-2 in times of need as spaced out as possible.

KCL (Karmaex Chem Labs) Brand - Millaflower Spice Infused Cigarettes (Relaxation Blend)

These top quality cigarettes are the result of extensive KCL work and perfection. These cigarettes offer those seeking some "alternative" methods of relaxation and stress relief, just that. The cigarettes in controlled amounts are used for relaxing the mind and body as well as taking the edge off just enough to be calm, cool and collected yet not enough to leave the user's sensory and bodily systems un-sharpened. As with any and all chems and/or spices there is a chance of overdose, leading to death in some cases. The recommended intake for these spice infused cigarettes are one to two every two or three days. Consumer discretion is, however, encouraged.

KCL (Karmaex Chem Labs) Brand - Ryll Infused Cigarettes

As with all KCL products the overall quality and individual ingredient quality of these cigarettes is astoundingly high, and as with most other KCL products overdose and addiction are a possibility from overuse of the spice infused cigarettes. These cigarettes are prefect for those who want a little ryll kick but do not want the not-so-classy other methods of ryll intake offered by patches, injections or any other method of intake.

KCL (Karmaex Chem Labs) Brand - Cigar Set

These rather seemingly ordinary (compared to other products KCL offers) cigars are of the utmost quality, they are however far from ordinary. The cigars have completely safe medicinal chemicals in them, which upon inhaling will actually instead of damaging the internal organs and slowly damaging the body will help the body and will slowly help clear the lungs and bodily systems. All whilst giving the smoker the "feeling" as though they are smoking a "real" cigar. Some would call this product an absolute abomination, others would call it a breakthrough in medicinal study. Either way the facts are that these experimental medicinal cigars achieved their seemingly unbelievable healing capabilities from custom built NM-K nanodroids carrying a plethora of medicinal chemicals and experimental 'serums' for repairing damaged internal tissue, albeit on a microscopic level. The sheer expense of producing, not only the cigars themselves, but also the nanodroids and chemicals to formulate the 'healing powers' meant these cigars reached a very limited public sales release, sometimes making a short and rare comeback over the years.

KCL (Karmaex Chem Labs) Brand - Bottled Giggledust

This KCL product is perfect for those who are seeking to bring a temporary bout of "cheerfulness" and "humour" into their lives. The bottled giggledust is of course of the highest quality able to be produced. The spice gives the user a temporary "boost" to their alertness and puts them into a highly euphoric state as well as make everything seem much more humorous to the user of the spice. The dosage offered by KCL however limits the effects somewhat to an extent meaning the user upon using the small "shot" worth of spice gains a brief yet intense spike in alertness and usually cannot help but loose a smile and find everything that tad more humorous and all whilst feeling a slight adrenaline like euphoric high, though not as much as a larger dose would offered by any other company or chems dealer. The spice was refined in order to able to be used as an experimental combat, 'heat of the moment booster', chem for warriors.

Karmaex Brand - Tactical Battle Vest

This handy little piece of kit should be on every warrior's shopping list. The armour boasts both an interwoven micro-fibre ballistic mesh lining the entire piece of armour to provide protection against blades and ballistics etc as well as light quantum-durasteel alloy to provide trauma protection yet still give wearer's that small speed and dexterous edge over those wearing standard battle armour or even heavier armours. The entire focus of the armour is to provide as much all around protection in a war-scape as well as giving the wearer the mobility and speed as though they were wearing a lighter armour like that of flak or combat armour.

Lady V's - Vodka

The liquid inside the bottle may look like any old vodka one can find out anywhere in a bar or cantina amongst the stars but in reality the alcohol is far from that. No two batches of the drink are quite the same despite the alcohol being brewed and bottled on a mass scale. This is due to the fact ingredients for the vodka are pulled from all over known space and regularly 'rotated', some examples being fruits and starch rich matter such as Shuura, grapes from planets such as Naboo and Alderaan, wheat, rice and even more slightly 'exotic' things like chando peppers, gourds and pickles. The erratic nature of the ingredients used in each batch of the vodka seems to be one of the main reasons for the popularity of the vodka as it gives consumers a sense of surprise and mystery. The safety instructions printed on the back of each bottle of "Lady V - Vodka" DOES however state ALL ingredients used in each batch of the alcohol for allergy/medicinal related reasons.