Quadrona Squadron

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[RI] R41 Starchaser
alt text
Navigational Stats
Hyperspeed 0
Sublight Speed 60 MGLT
Max Speed 600 km/h
Maneuverability 4.00
Sensors 1
Escape Pods 0
Docking Bay No
Hangar Bay No
Landing Capacity Yes
Flight Grade Repulsorlifts Yes
Graviton Generators No
Docking Port No
Medical Room No
Storage Room {{{storageroom}}}
Recycling No
Weapons/Utilities Ion Cannons: 2

Concussion Missile Launchers: 2 Heavy Laser: 2

Cargo Stats
Weight 24 T
Volume 24 T
Weight Capacity 200 kg
Volume Capacity 1 m³
Max Passengers 1
Party Slot Size 1.00
Hull Statistics
Length 15 m
Hull 60
Shield 25
Ionic Capacity 15
Raw Materials
Raw Material Price 54,182
Quantum 17
Meleenium 180
Ardanium 14
Rudic 22
Rockivory 13
Tibannagas 50
Varmigio 0
Lommite 8
Durelium 0
Bacta 0
Hibridium 0
Varium 0
Affiliation Incom Corporation

Quadrona Squadron


Quadrona Squadron is a squadron of R41 Starchasers owned and operated by Robotech industries. It consists of 12 ships.

Current Roster

⦁ Exedore Gloval

Pale green skinned Rodian, acts as the Leader of Quadrona Squadron, his twin sister acts as the leader of Walküre Squadron. Is well respected by those under his command but works hard to maintain the standards he has produced for his unit. He is not the kind of person to take huge risks, but if he sees a good opportunity he will take advantage of it.

⦁ Sammie Porter

Sammie is a well-liked Corellian female who was brought up on an obscure outer rim planet she never talks about. Since joining Quadrona Squadron she has been in an on/off relationship with Reno Gerao although currently, it seems to be more on than off.

⦁ Nova Satori

Nova is a dark-skinned Anzat and an accomplished pilot. Before joining Robotech Industries, Nova was training to be a race pilot and she was viewed by the boss of her team to be a star in the making. As such she is not only a good pilot but also as an accomplished combatant.

⦁ Kiyora Bron

Kiyora is a bit of an unknown. He is a human but tends to keep his own company. He is the most recent recruit to the squadron but has been able to show his abilities in combat. He is a good pilot but is not well known by his squadron mates.

⦁ Lyss Gruaca

Lyss is probably the least liked by the rest of the squadron as she has a tendency to put herself in the worst situations possible. She has been hauled over the coals on several occasions by Exedore and is on pretty thin ice as far as being a part of the squadron.

⦁ Vala Norri

Vala was a beauty queen on her Homeworld of Druscillia. She could hardly call herself that anymore after injuries sustained during battle. She does not consider her scars to be an issue, as she knows she had no interest in her former life anyway.

⦁ Reno Gerao

Reno is Corellian born and bred. He is ruggedly handsome but was orphaned at an early age. He was sold off as a boy and stayed as a slave until he grew strong enough to escape and head off world. He is in a relationship with Sammie and is deeply in love with her, but wishes she would leave the squadron so he no longer has to worry about her safety.

⦁ Kazianna Hesh

Kazianna is a tall heavily built Weequay. He is an astonishingly good pilot, whom Exedore thinks has some Force ability as he seems to be able to fly his ship in ways he has seen in no other pilot.

⦁ Greel Krunca

Greel is a young Trandoshan, who barely seems to fit in his cockpit. Despite his size, he is an extremely gentle being, but ferocious in combat.

⦁ Fedsla Onconpi

Oconpi is an oddity. She is a Gungan fighter pilot. Most people write off the Gungans, but Fedsla is a good pilot and a good friend to her squad mates.

⦁ Jalni Phee

Jalni is the joker of the squadron. He is often told by his squad mates to keep off the comms as he adds witty quips to his combat messages.

⦁ Kheer Iziac

Iziac is the last remaining member of the original Quadrona squadron. She has flown and fought her way from one end of the galaxy to another. She had another life before Robotech Industries, she served with Republic Starfighter command and did several successful tours of major warzones before leaving to look for something else.

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