Revolutionary Mandalorian Breviinism

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Revolutionary Mandalorian Breviinism (Official document) Revolutionary Mandalorian Breviinism

 Clan Breviin Breviin is a Mandalorian clan that was expelled from Manda'yaim since ancient times. Breviin Mandalorians fought against slavery and the system that took power of the Manda'yaim at that time. Since they were expelled from Manda'yaim by the wars against the Mand'alor Clan Breviin has struggled to maintain and to survive, they rejected the Mand'alor and made an oath not to follow any Mand'alor that failed to unite the clans. Breviin Mandalorians follow the six tenets: Ba'jur bal beskar'gam, Ara'nov, aliit, Mando'a bal Mand'alor— An vencuyan mhi. With the exception as mentioned before that Clan Breviin does not recognize any of the current Mand'alor candidates.  Clan Breviin and the Death Watch Clan Breviin once conformed the front lines of the Kyr'tsad with the purpose and the goal of restoring the Mando'ade to their ancient glory. The Death Watch was dissolved due to the fact that its name was stained by previous criminal and pirate movements that used the Kyr'tsad´s name. Breviin´s goal remains unchanged, they seek to restore glory to the mandalorians but this time it is not by war, but through the creation of an independent Mandalorian state to show the rest of the Mando'ade that a warrior culture is feasible and sustainable. At the same time Breviin would be an independent self- sustainable clan but it would keep its links with their brother’s form other clans.

 Revolutionary Breviinism Revolutionary Breviinism refers to clan Breviins political ideology and adaptation of the Mandalorian culture into its revolution. The Breviin revolution rejects the values and teachings imposed by Imperialism which are: Compromise, conformity, assimilation, submission, Ignorance, hypocrisy, brutality and elitism. As Mando'ade; Breviin revolutionaries are warriors who challenge stronger enemies; with a defiant attitude they have challenged the worst and most feared mercenaries, criminal cartels, and oppressive empires. Breviin approve the deed of conquest only if it is against an organization such as criminal cartels, paramilitary groups, pirate fleets, terrorist groups and abusive companies.

Please note that Breviin will only approve the conquest of hostile entities that would oppress the free peoples. 

Breviin does not approve the conquest of governments, nations, other clans, tribes and religious cults. The conquest of a hostile organization that oppresses either a government, nation, clan, tribe or religious cult is often seen by the oppressed people as liberation instead of the conquest of the hostile organization.

 Supreme Commander of the BRAFL  The BRAFL are leaded by the Supreme Commander whose code name is Marcus.  Marcus´ identity will be kept confidential in order to protect the Supreme Commander.  Some vode will know the true identity of Marcus, only those who understand the revolution will see the face of Marcus.

 Liberation operations: Breviin Mando'ade will actively conduct operations to liberate oppressed peoples.  Liberate and improve the lifestyle of the people of that territory without abusing from its natural resources.  Depose a tyrant.  Embrace and welcome the peoples of the territory that was conquest as its own.  Respect the culture and origins of the peoples.  Establish a democratic state or tribe.

 Breviin revolutionaries and hostile clans  If another Mando'ade clan or individual belongs or fights for an oppressive force or enemy organization, diplomacy will be the first approach that would be taken.  If diplomacy fails a combat ring challenge will be made on a neutral ground to settle a dispute, the combat will take place on a neutral territory, a list of usable weapons will be chosen by the challenger and it will be a genuine combat, the defeated Mando will be forced to comply with the terms of the victor. The combat will not be to the death unless stated otherwise.  If the challenge fails, and there is no other alternative than battle or war, then the hostile clan will be treated with honor and the remains of the dead will be given to the hostile clan.

 Breviin Revolutionary Forces for Liberation BRAFL  BRAFL are conformed by Breviin Mandalorians which include, sons of Breviin Mando'ade, free clones and droids.  BRAFL will use guerrilla tactics, sabotage tactics, conventional warfare, and propaganda.  Clan Breviin and BRAFL repulse and condemn counter insurgence tactics.

 Self defense  Clan Breviin owns the right to defend themselves, their allies, and their vode.

 Defense of the peoples  The BRAFL will also serve the purpose of defending the defenseless, the poor and the oppressed, this includes oppressed aruetiise.  The BRAFL will also defend and Ideal, the Ideal of freedom, mando culture and liberation.

 Breviin Welfare-economic and environmental politics  Breviin is against the privatization of natural resources and social needs.  Service providers should be nationalized companies or institutions.  Uncontrolled exploitation of Natural resources on habitable worlds is forbidden; on the contrary exploitation of resources on gas giant world’s asteroids and inhabitable worlds is permitted as long as it does not affect any nearby colonies.  Every Breviin Mando must assist and help on the welfare of the clan, any Breviin mando caught taking assets for themselves while on duty, displaying a greedy attitude or stealing, will be subject to arrest, expulsion, and being declared a dar'manda for failing the Resol'nare.  Breviin will provide social programs that will benefit the vode of the clan.

 Mando'a bal Mand'alor Clan Breviin does not recognize any Mand'alor until the one that will unite the clans emerges, please note that Breviin will remain as an independent clan at all times, but will attend the calling of the true Mand'alor that would lead us to victory.

 Breviin Democracy Breviin will always foment the idea of democracy among the Mando'ade and aruetiise. Please note that by democracy clan Breviin refers to the ideal of the rule of the people, not just the constant change of leadership, even if the people chooses to follow the same leader forever. In that case the creation of councils and municipal offices would be necessary to ensure that a democratic environment is always maintained. Breviin refuses the idea of having companies or entrepreneurs holding public charges or having any political influence on the people as such beings only look after their own personal richness taking advantage from the poor.

This document has been reviewed and validated by the Supreme Commander of the Breviin Revolutionary forces for Liberation

