Salvager Droid
Something of a newcomer to the galactic scene, the Serv-O-Droid corporations Wrecking Droid series has been produced for only a little more than 30 years, and is already a favourite amongst recycling groups and junkers alike. Standing more than six meters tall, the GRZ-6B resembles some kind of fiery demon as it stomps across the urban landscape. With a pair of heavily reinforced legs for movement, it uses a pair of equally reinforced arms to both knock down buildings and shovel the resulting mess into its burning ‘mouth.’ Most of the body is dedicated to an enormous internal forge capable of breaking down the GRZ-6B’s diet of rubble into its component materials, which are kept separate by the enormous temperatures created within the molecular furnace. Periodically the droid must be shut down to not only check it for damage (a rare occurrence indeed), but also to let the materials cool enough to be recovered from its storage reservoir’s.
This recycling droid was retired from the market around Year 11 and replaced with the EVS Construction Droid.
One specimen of this old and inefficient recycling droid can still be seen in the Galactic Museum.