Sorn Ag

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Sorn Ag
Biographical Information
Race Utai
Homeworld Utapau
Physical Description
Gender Male
Political Information
Affiliation Oniworld
Rank Pilot
Prior Affiliation None

Early Life

Sorn Ag grew up in a family of pilots on Utapau. Like his fathers and brothers, he was trained from a young age to fly and protect his home planet. Because of his short stature, he fit easily into the cockpits of any fighters and he showed great promise.

During a routine training exercise, Sorn made a critical error in judgement that caused a fatal collision between two of his classmates. Upon landing, he was quietly dismissed from further training and put out. Finding little solace in the prospect of a life underground, he stowed away on a freighter leaving Utapau with the aim of finding another place to complete his flight training.

Raffle Winner

He won 4th place in a raffle held Year 13 Day 306 by Golgo Diasto winning an R4 droid that was on Asher I