The Artifacts of ‘’Am'Jenor Maynel’’
Am'Jenor Maynel Tribe

Deep in Outer Rim territories on a barren planet Aaron, a derelict ship was uncovered by a team of explorers. It had broken in pieces, and rested on a rocky mountain. The design of the derelict was ancient, and carbon dating of the inner hull indicated that the ship could be almost 8000 years old. Only later from the ships memory banks and some dusted manuscripts that were on-board it was discovered that the ship belonged to a long forgotten nomadic Iridonian tribe called ‘’Am'Jenor Maynel’’, that roughly translates from U'l Zabrak as Holy Knowledge Seekers.
The tribe was in nature a nomadic movement, that consisted of an small fleet of ships that traveled around the galaxy seeking the answers to the origin of the Universe and what they called ‘’The Calling’’ or the Force. The Tribe existed as records on Iridonia shows from c. year -8000 with their embankment from a mining colony to c. year -4200 when supposedly the derelict crash landed on a barren planet Aaron in a desolate star system that was located in deep space between Mid-Rim and Outer-Rim.
Origins of the movenment
This tribe was originally led by Xadros the First, an Iridonian Noble who defied the High Council of Iridonia, calling it ineffective and corrupt and even attempted later in his life to stage a coup with his like-minded followers. The plan was eventually uncovered and led to his and his supporter’s exile to the outermost Iridonian prison mining colony to live there and die. Life was hard and unforgiving there, as the mining colony was undeveloped and only way to live was underground inside the mining tunnels itself. During this time of imprisonment and exile, something happened to the Xadros in the mines. As some texts from the archives that were recovered indicate - he started to feel strange, and he told to one of his companions that everything around him felt like a river flowing through him and that he could feel the ripples that were left by all living beings moving in this river.
The Calling
With this profound ability he soon was able to discover new deposits in almost dry deep-mine, at first he thought that this was just luck and the things that he felt was just side effect in form of dementia from living all the time underground. But the feelings he felt persisted and not knowing what to do he went with only meager possessions, in to the deepest mine shaft to contemplate the meaning of these things that he could feel.
It wasn’t a new thing in the mining colony for a person to throw himself off the ledge inside of the mine, or go wandering and not come back. So as soon as Xadros was reported missing for the third day, local authority declared him as deceased. 300 planetary rotations later, carrying only with him a strange blue crystal stone Xadros emerged. His physical appearance hadn’t changed much as it would be expected for a person being dehydrated or starving all this time, some say that he looked even stronger and authoritative then on the day when he went to the deep shaft.
On the same night he gathered his companions and declared to them that the Universe had revealed its plan to him in those deep mines, calling for him to embark on a holy journey to understand this ‘’Call’’ and the Universe itself. Many were unconvinced and declared that the Xadros had lost its mind, but some believed in him, and with almost zealous fortitude they overcame in the following days the local security forces. With mining city under his control Xadros took local cargo liners, and with his followers he embarked on a journey to find the source and the meaning of this ‘’Call’’. Along the way of this journey Xadros gave a new name to himself and his followers as ‘’Tozu mal'et’’, or the nameless, and started calling his movement as ‘’Am'Jenor Mayne’’, or the Holy Knowledge Seekers.
Not much is known what happened during their journey and how they met their demise. From uncovered records on the crash site, it is known that they visited Tattoine and engaged in some trade with the local Jawas. From some Gungan tribe stories it also indicates that they landed on Naboo and from some recorded encounters they even skirmished with Mandolorians on Dxun.
Artifacts of Am'Jenor Maynel
When the explorers discored the derelict ship, they also discovered couple of different objects of interests, that have been deemed of some value in markets, where this type of curiosities could sell to the private museums.
The Exiles Stone | |
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Type | Crystalline formation |
The Exiles Stone
The Exiles Stone is an artifact that belonged to a nomadic Iridonian tribe called ‘’Am'Jenor Maynel’’, that roughly translates from U'l Zabrak as Holy Knowledge Seekers. It is said that the first leader of this tribe Xadros the First, discovered the crystal in a deep mine shaft where he meditated for 300 local planetary rotations. The crystal stone was uncovered on a barren planet Aaron, inside of a derelict ship. It is believed that this ship marks the final resting place of this tribe.
The stone consists of various rare minerals, and its formation baffles mineralogists. They say that the crystal doesn’t even has a crystalline structure or any other. What it has is a complex disordered atomic-scale structure that moves in a somewhat regular pattern. So the crystal on the outside doesn’t change its form, but on the atomic scale it changes constantly. Most minerals are crystalline in their solid state, which means they have a highly ordered arrangement of atoms, but this crystal is far from being ordered. No explanation has been reached of what is influencing this constant atomic rearrangement. Some scientists say that it is because of some cosmic background radiation, other scholars say that maybe the stone is attuned to the force itself, and that the force itself is influencing the atomic arrangement.
Manuscripts of the Xadros | |
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Type | Data-core |
Manuscripts of the Xadros
When the derelict ship of the Am'Jenor Maynel Tribe was discovered, explorers inside of it found a strange artifact in shape of a cube. Strangely untouched by time, this artifact came online after one of the explorers unintentionally powered it up. They soon discovered that artifact in question was actually a data core that listed past events and people of the tribe. While some parts of the data were corrupt, most of it was still intact. Some intacted parts of the data listed achievements of their first leader Xadros the First and his successors( who strangely were named after him), as well as detailed encounters when they landed on various planets. Sadly though there are no listed parts of what happened on Aereon, or why did they crash-landed there.
What makes this data-core unique is that it stores its data in strange blue crystals where crystalline atomic structure "flows" in certain pattern. Using this pattern the on-board processor decrypts the stored information and transforms it in text, images and audio. No single explanation has been reached of how to influence this pattern of how atomic structure flows. Some scientists have made thesis that you need a specific type of radiation, while some scholars have even made a claim that using The Force, you can influence the pattern, meaning that force sensitivities would act as the "recorders".
Skull of the Xadros | |
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Type | Deceased body part |
Skull of the Xadros
Inside of the derelict ship, there were almost no remains of the deceased crew, besides of an single damaged Iridonian mummified body, that was located inside of an sarcophagus. On it there was a single inscription that said in U'l Zabrak - "J'ku Edalin" that roughly translates as "Our First Ancestor". Scholars have made prediction that the body belonged to the Xadros the First, the prophet of the movement and its first leader. Scholars say that only Xadros could get some-kind of remembrance or memorial in form of an altar, as movement itself regarded all of its members as ‘’Tozu mal'et’’, or the nameless. Idea behind it was that people should shed all that ties them down, even names, in order to archive the understanding of the Force and the Universe that is tied to it.
While most of the body was damaged, the skull had remained in pristine condition. What makes interesting is that skull consisted of various metallic like implants, and while carbon dating puts skull to be around 8000 years old, implants itself are only 5000 years old. This has baffled scholars as they cant reach a conclusion on why would someone desecrate the body, to just to place some implants in it. Some conspiracy theories have been trowed around closed scholar cycles that Xadros never died, and that he had somehow archived immortality using The Force and implants, but this theory has never been presented, as no evidences have been discovered to prove this theory.
Currently in the possession of Valerian Valkarin Kreuzritter.