The Simple Truth
Posted by Asaryakatr on Year 5 Day 233
Onboard the YT-2000 AKVIC Twin Bleu at galactic position (-40, 308).
Your favorite holodrama ends and the evening news comes on. The local breaking news, political news, sports, and weather is run and then the news host comes back on. She tells the viewing audience that tonight there will be a special presentation by a noteworthy person who had asked the holonet for some airtime and they have granted it.
"She could not be with us in person, so this presentation is being broadcast from a relay station."
Your screen goes to a spinning GNS logo for a few seconds and then it flickers with static as the local holonet provider connects.
A figure in a dark navy blue cloak with the hood up, approaches the holocam. When she comes into the range where just her head and shoulders are visible, she reaches up and throws the hood of her cloakback , revealing a beautiful blue-skinned Twi'lek. She smiles for her audience and begins to speak.
"Greetings, gentle beings of the galaxy,
Allow me to introduce myself, those of you who do not know me. I am Lady Asarya`katr, Jedi Master and member of the Jedi Council. Some of you might know me from the Trading Middleman office that I run."
The holocam changes views. You now see Asarya sitting comfortably on a chair, her navy blue cloak draped nicely around her. She has one leg crossed over the other and her hands in her lap. From time to time, she will gesture with her hands or drape them on the armrests.
"Some of you might not know this, but I am also a member of The Antarian Rangers. I am sure you have all heard what my current leader has said on the news. At first, you may or may not believe him. It is not my intent to take him down, but to let the truth be known.
When I came on board in this faction, I was given enough privileges that I figured I was the 3rd in Command. I knew that Samus Augill was my leader and Maximus Archer was the 2nd in Command.
Everyone knows that when a new leader comes into place, they can do what they see fit to do. They can bring in assets and when they leave, they can remove them. Removal of these assets might hurt the company, but removal of what they themselves put into the company does not make them thieves. It doesn't make them deserters either, when they leave.
No one accused Vel Koon, the leader before Samus, that he was a deserter when he left. He was not one either, and neither is Samus.
Samus Augill did not desert The Antarian Rangers. He gave a weeks notice that he was leaving, so that Reajiad Nero could find a new leader.
I've also looked over the transaction sheets for TAR, and what did not look in order, I have asked and gotten clarification for.
In my eyes, Samus did not steal anything from the faction. All he did was take back what he had put in. Stuff that he did not put in, but took, he paid for.
He is not a thief. Plain and simple as that. He is just conducting business the way every businessman does when they pull out of a company, taking their financial support with them.
While he was my master, I trained well under him. So it is a sad note to say that I will miss the Samus Augill that was my master. Since his returning to the darkside that birthed him, I have left his side obviously. I will remain in the light as well as any jedi can these days. I do not think that I have disappointed him, though he has slightly disappointed me. I am a firm believer in one following their destiny, though I know that one can shape their own destiny, it will follow its course however.
My former master has been accused of being a traitor. To the jedi cause, perhaps he is, but I do know, he isn't a thief.
Life goes on, and I do hope that this blows over, because certain people have made a mountain out of this mole hill.
May the Force be with us all. Adio."
Your screen returns to the news host who exclaims that that was certainly interesting. She bids you a goodnight and the Galactic News Service logo appears once more before continuing regular programming.