Garrus Tucker

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Garrus Tucker
Biographical Information
Race Hapan
Homeworld Hapes Prime
Mother Abby Tucker-Griks (Deceased)
Father James Tucker IV
Siblings Abby, Bethany, Caitlynn & Denise
Born Day 319,Year 4022 (hapan time)
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.89 meters
Coloring Black
Eye Color Hazel
Political Information
Affiliation Hapan
Rank Crewman

Garrus Tucker is...


Born on 4022 – 319 on Hapes Prime, Garrus 'Lucky' Tucker came from an average class family with ties and service background in the Royal Hapan Armed Forces. His father James Tucker at the time served within the RHAF as a Crewmen, primarily as a fighter pilot and sole provider for the family but due to the nature of his work spent most of his time away from home and family. Garrus spent most of his early years with his mother Abby and four sisters, until regretfully in late 4030 a sudden illness took her away from them which left Garrus to look after his four sisters as their father continued to serve in order to provide an income.

While both taking care of his siblings and continuing his education, upon completion of high school Garrus decided to follow in the footsteps of his father and his families tradition of military service and enlisted in the RHAF. He was quickly enrolled at the Royal Hapan Military Academy, and due to the pressure of looking after his siblings and trying to keep up and excel at his studies he managed to come first in his graduating class, far ahead of his peers.

Upon graduating, he was posted to the historic 1st Fleet at which he currently serves as a Crewmen. Working hard daily for the glory of the Consortium and the honor of the Navy, he does everything he can to excel at his position and ultimately protect and bring honor to his family.

Career Summary

Robin hood School

Royal Hapan Military Academy

Royal Hapan Armed Forces


Holonet links