User:X`jan Erollisi
I was born on year 7, day 287. I awoke and found that my life was not going to be an easy one, i had a purpose, a for-told destiny if you will. Unknown to me 5 days ago the Kaminoan Prime Minister and Uzziah Akim where meet to discuss the future for "A Medical Revolution" in this revolution could change the very universe we know.
My first few days away from Kamino i found my self almost in a coma. I can't remember anything that happened All i know is to move forward, to followed my path, not to question any reason behind the direction i am going. Maybe this is natural to Kaminos because of the cloning process. Am i normal?
A ship lands and i stumble to my feet and Officer named Jim Frost approaches me. He saw to my needs and then showed me around the Riviera Medical complex. I learned about their operations and decided to offer my services to this organization. It is now known as Republic Medical.
The following day I awoke to find a my self laying looking up at an unfamiliar ceiling. I slowly sit up from my bed, I feel my arm to find a Riviera Medical patch. It seems that they had accepted me after all, and thus begins my career.
Year 8 Day 229 i was placed Assistant Director of Operations in the Republic Mobile Surgical Unit (RMSU). This has been my life long dream, to work in the field and support those who are our only chance for a free and peaceful future. I also had a new paint job put on my brand new YT-1210, a solid white coat with a large red cross on both the underside and top, along with both side hatches. I hope that everyone would take some honor and respect and not shoot a hospital unit even if we are not on good terms.
And so I follow my feet, ever onward only looking to the future......