Walküre Squadron

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[RI] R41 Starchaser
alt text
Navigational Stats
Hyperspeed 0
Sublight Speed 60 MGLT
Max Speed 600 km/h
Maneuverability 4.00
Sensors 1
Escape Pods 0
Docking Bay No
Hangar Bay No
Landing Capacity Yes
Flight Grade Repulsorlifts Yes
Graviton Generators No
Docking Port No
Medical Room No
Storage Room {{{storageroom}}}
Recycling No
Weapons/Utilities Ion Cannons: 2

Concussion Missile Launchers: 2 Heavy Laser: 2

Cargo Stats
Weight 24 T
Volume 24 T
Weight Capacity 200 kg
Volume Capacity 1 m³
Max Passengers 1
Party Slot Size 1.00
Hull Statistics
Length 15 m
Hull 60
Shield 25
Ionic Capacity 15
Raw Materials
Raw Material Price 54,182
Quantum 17
Meleenium 180
Ardanium 14
Rudic 22
Rockivory 13
Tibannagas 50
Varmigio 0
Lommite 8
Durelium 0
Bacta 0
Hibridium 0
Varium 0
Affiliation Incom Corporation

Walküre Squadron


Walküre Squadron is a squadron of R41 Starchasers owned and operated by Robotech industries. It consists of 12 ships.

Current Roster

⦁ Renos Gloval

A Pale green Rodian female and the sister of Exedore Gloval. She is feisty with a noble spirit. She is an accomplished pilot and is well respected within both her squadron and the community in general.

⦁ Seloy Deparra

Seloy is a tall, dark skinned Zabrak. He has a kind nature for a Zabrak but a fierce opponent in a firefight. He is a shrewd combatant and is often amongst the first to make suggestions to improve the course of a mission.

⦁ Zerri Kirwain

Zerri is a hard bitten veteran pilot. She claims to have flown over two hundred combat missions and with Kheer Iziac is one of the squadron .longest serving members.

⦁ Fafle Eboht

Fafle is jawa. He left his native Tattooine wanting to see more of the Galaxy. After four combat tours he feels he has seen more combat than he would like And is waiting for the squadron to go nearer his home so he can jump ship, if only for a while.

⦁ Gho Rapeeg

Ms. Rapeeg is a tall, thin human native of Savareen. She always wanted to be a pilot and excels at flying almost any StarCraft she comes across.

⦁ Fesu Klath

Fesu is another human and a lifelong friend of Stobae Novra. Fesu and Stobae often serve as each other’s wingman, one protecting the other in an almost symbiotic way.

⦁ Helka Zymeru

Pilot officer Zymeru is a scarred veteran pilot from Ord Ibanna. He flys a battered R41 but refuses to exchange it for a newer model saying that it’s his lucky fighter and nothing would make him part with it.

⦁ Ghall Fut’hnu

A Mon Cal from the far north of the planet, he has dark blue coloured skin. He is a good pilot with a taste for good cooking. This has led to no small amount of friendly banter from the other pilots of the squadron.

⦁ Macludo Chomskai

Macludo is a human with a small secret, he always wanted to be a Tie Fighter pilot but was brought up in the New Republic. He has made it his mission in life to one day fly one, one day…

⦁ Stobae Novra

Stobae is a human from Naboo. She is Fesu Klath’s wingman and is secretly in love of him, only time will tell if she ever makes her feelings known.

⦁ Fasa Trint

The widow Trint, AKA the haunted Widow was once married. As her nickname implies her husband died whilst in the hands of the Galactic Empire, as a consequence she will go out of her way to take down as many Imperial ships as she can.

⦁ Twepp Ewen

Twepp is an Ewok. Nobody is sure how he can even see over the controls, let alone fly a ship. The odd thing is he has one of the highest kill scores of the entire squadron.

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