Zhellic Ecclesiarchy/Zodiacus

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((Needs to be formatted)) Sign: The Aedifex (The Maker) Patron: Ziysan Dates: Day 365 – Day 28 Symbolism: Centered around the ancient constellation Clepsydra (The Hourglass), the Aedifex represents Ziysan’s eternal vigil to bring balance to the cosmos and to shepherd the Zhell into their golden age. Sign: Genetrix (The Mother) Patron: Manara Dates: Symbolism: Sign: Calathus (The Vessel) Patron: Ferra Dates: Symbolism: Sign: Pikobi (The Pikobi) Patron: Risma Dates: Symbolism: Sign: Telum (The Arrow) Patron: Lor Dates: Symbolism: Sign: Patron: Dates: Symbolism: Sign: Patron: Dates: Symbolism: Sign: Patron: Dates: Symbolism: Sign: Patron: Dates: Symbolism: Sign: Patron: Dates: Symbolism:


Patron: Dates: Symbolism:


Patron: Dates: Symbolism:


Patron: Dates: Symbolism: Ziysan, day 365-28, Sign: The Aedifex (The Maker), Constellation: Clepsydra (The Hourglass)

Manara, day 29-56, Sign: Genetrix (The Mother), Star: Cor Matris (Mother’s Heart, the brighest star in the Coruscant sky; it first lit up when Ferra breathe life into Manara’s creatures.)

Ferra, day 57-84, Sign/Constellation: Calathus (The Vessel), the amphora from which life springs, kept safely away from mortal hands up in the sky.)

Risma, day 85-112, Sign/Constellation: Pikobi (The Pikobi, it’s a Coruscant native small predator. [Like a cute tiny velociraptor. And it’s almost on Naboo, so it made sense to me that Risma’s tribe would be the ones to take these with them.])

Lor, day 113-140, Sign/Constellation: Telum (The Arrow)

Azurba, day 141-168, Sign/Constellation: Ignis (The Torch [figure this one would be capped by a red star])

Csil, day 169-196, Sign/Constellation: Mensor (The Measurer [cause justice, and Libra was taken])

Corr, day 197-224, Sign/Constellation: Velum (The Sail)

Alsa, day 225-252, Sign/Constellation: Ataru (The Hawk-bat [another Coruscant creature, which has a lightsaber form named for it])

Irido, day 253-280, Sign/Constellation: Bellatrix (The Warrior, also known as Irido’s lieutenant, Bellatrix is a being composed of the best qualities of those who fell in Irido’s name. She was first formed from the strength, honor and loyalty of the fallen in the war against Occideus’ * (see Xo) tribe, and has grown brighter ever since after every just war.)

Zela, day 281-308, Sign/Constellation: Amatori (The Lovers, born of rival tribes, the names of which change with each telling of the story, they threw themselves off the temple of Zela, who took pity on them and granted them eternal life, together, in the night sky.)

Aldar, day 309-336, Sign/Constellation: Anulus (The Ring)

Xo, day 337-364, Sign/Constellation: Occideus (The Pretender. Occideus was a giant in Zhellic lore who sought to be worshipped by a warring fourteenth tribe. This tribe was eradicated by the Zabrak, Tionese and Cronese tribes, and Occideus was slain by Xo, with the aid of Irido’s servant Bellator. Xo then cast his remains into the night sky as an eternal warning. The giant’s true name lost to history, he’s only remembered as a contraction of the phrase Deus, qui occissus est. To utter its literal translation, The God who was Slain, is heresy.