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Kryssa Sallos (talk | contribs)
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Kryssa has been seen as someone who can be light-hearted and joyful but at the last minute, snapped and become a cold hearted individual without a sense of remorse.  She enjoys a natural sense of sarcasm towards mostly everyone. Those who oppose her often feel the sharpness of her tongue. The Anzati has more than a strong ability of casting mind tricks as per her people’s natural abilities. The woman has also has a way of playing mind games with her words and wit alone. Often tricking her foes in making the type of mistakes that will give her the upper hand in a fight.
Kryssa has been seen as someone who can be light-hearted and joyful but at the last minute, snapped and become a cold hearted individual without a sense of remorse.  She enjoys a natural sense of sarcasm towards mostly everyone. Those who oppose her often feel the sharpness of her tongue. The Anzati has more than a strong ability of casting mind tricks as per her people’s natural abilities. The woman has also has a way of playing mind games with her words and wit alone. Often tricking her foes in making the type of mistakes that will give her the upper hand in a fight.
Ms. Sallos is seen as a very confidence...and arrogant person. She enjoys good company, a good conversation or a good fight. The young Anzati definitely shows a flair for action and adventure.
Ms. Sallos is seen as a very confidence...and arrogant person. She enjoys good company, a good conversation or a good fight. The young Anzati definitely shows a flair for action and adventure.
[[File:Kryssa Current.jpeg|left|thumb|100px|Kryssa in civilian clothing.]]


Revision as of 09:18, 26 June 2013

Kryssa Sallos
Biographical Information
Race Anzati
Homeworld Anzat (briefly before her kidnapping.)
Mother Kira Morbus
Father Deceased
Spouse None
Siblings One younger half brother.
Children None
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 5'7"
Coloring Fair white skin, crystal blue eyes, dark purple hair.
Political Information
Affiliation Hapes Consortium
Prior Affiliation Wayfarers Sodality, Sempiternus(Formally Ellipsis)


Older photo of Kryssa displaying one of her tattooed arms.

It is debatable whether Kryssa Sallos is her true name or not. Like most Anzatis, she was left alone on Anzat once old enough to defend for herself nameless. Over the years she has gained a large number of names. She is often known as Kryssa Sallos to most. The female Anzati has been described in many different ways throughout her long life. She is often seen as a eccentric individual who often sports a quick wit (which has gotten her in and out of many tough situations). Others label her as being insane. A person who often talks to herself or makes risky joy rides through the Maw.

Kryssa has been seen as someone who can be light-hearted and joyful but at the last minute, snapped and become a cold hearted individual without a sense of remorse. She enjoys a natural sense of sarcasm towards mostly everyone. Those who oppose her often feel the sharpness of her tongue. The Anzati has more than a strong ability of casting mind tricks as per her people’s natural abilities. The woman has also has a way of playing mind games with her words and wit alone. Often tricking her foes in making the type of mistakes that will give her the upper hand in a fight. Ms. Sallos is seen as a very confidence...and arrogant person. She enjoys good company, a good conversation or a good fight. The young Anzati definitely shows a flair for action and adventure.


Kryssa has been said to have the abilities that are inherent to all Anzati. Her strength, speed and dexterity when compared to standard human/near-humans, are said to be at the top of what the human body is capable of. The silver lining with her time in Imperial captivity is that their studies have help give Kryssa's telepathic ability an enhancement. The most noticeable difference is her greater range of effect when reaching out to other minds.

Through her life, Kryssa was trained to be a adaptable fighter. She is highly skilled in hand to hand as well as melee combat. Kryssa's personal favorite type of combat is marksmanship. She has been seen to use her enhanced speed and dexterity to over take others in duels that where more heavily armed. Due to her age and exposure to various races and cultures, Kryssa has become fluent in a large number of languages that are found across the galaxy.

All of these talents and abilities would eventually become handy in her later career in The Hapes Consortium's Armed Forces.


Bad Role Models

Kryssa fleeing her imperial captives aboard Shadow Runner.

It is said that Kryssa Sallos was taken from her home planet, Anzat, at a young age and raised by Sith until the rise of the Empire occurred. She was later transported to a secret lab hidden somewhere within Wild Space to be studied on in order to learn how to control the natural abilities of Anzati for their own agenda. Kryssa has said that they first attempted to clone her but failed then moved on to mind control. Fortunately for herself, she fled before any attempts where successful. Kryssa broke out of their facilities and stolen a HWK-290 light freighter: Shadow Runner and fled.

First Love

Kryssa as a member of her old swoop gang.

Kryssa has been seen riding a rare Nebulous-S racing swoop Sidewinder. A few contacts have mentioned that she fell in love with swoop bikes and racing while living among a long forgotten swoop gang. After several years within the gang, Kryssa gained an impressive repetition for her swoop piloting as well as her mechanic skills. Later on, this would translate over into a love for ship engineering as well. Kryssa has also mentioned on a rare occasion that she fell in love with the Anzati man who lead the gang. The two where together for several years before he was killed during the raid that ended up destroying their organization. He sacrificed himself to overwhelming numbers so that the other members could flee. Kryssa was dragged away against her will as the leader's best friend/second in command was ordered to get her to safety. The members shortly disbanded into different corners of the galaxy.

It was a few years later when Kryssa came across a metal chest that contained some personal belongings of the former leader/partner. Kryssa found at the bottom of it an all black Bryar pistol that was inscribed personally to her with a private message upon it's forward grip.

Kryssa's personalized Bryar pistol left by her deceased partner.

Year 14

Family Ties

It was later on in her life that Kryssa fell in love with star ship piloting and began her career as a transport pilot working for Ellipsis (Later on renamed as Sempiternus after it was sold to new ownership). Kryssa's work took her to various bars across the galaxy. The young Aznati eventually heard rumors from drunk patrons regarding an Anzati doctor. These clues eventually led her to make the acquaintance of doctor Kira Morbus. Shortly after the two had been introduced, Kryssa fell ill due to lack of feeding during long hyperspace travels. Kira treated her and out of curiosity, took a blood sample from Kryssa. The sample matched with Kira's own thus identifying Kryssa as Kira's daughter. After several months, Kryssa would eventually meet Ezo due to Kira. The two quickly discovered many similar interests and ideals. The two eventually grew close.

A friend In Need

Kryssa received a holo recording of Kira Morbus asking her to watch over a friend of hers that she had recently performed cybernetic limp surgery on. It was through this incident that Kryssa met Tex Navos. The two quickly became friends.

Its A Pirate Life For Me!

Ellipsis was sold from Tempah to Derrik Thynite then renamed to Sempiternus. Kryssa left shortly afterwards in order to seek out a different way of life along side Ezo by joining the Wayfarer Sodality. Kryssa would eventually work closely with Ezo running transports and setting up logistic operations under the rank of Captain. The relationship between the two eventually would cause strife between herself and her mother as Kryssa became effected by guilt and self depression. The combination of this and the way her life as a Wayfarer had panned out caused Ms. Sallos to painfully turn her back on her family and head out once again on her own. After some time wondering on her own, Kryssa came across friend Revan Jones. He offered her a position within the Hapes Consortium as an enlisted member of the Royal Armed Forces. After many long nights of consideration she eventually took the offer and applied.