Lictor-class Dungeon Ship: Difference between revisions

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[[Category:Capital Ships]]
[[Category:Capital Ships]]

Revision as of 05:42, 17 July 2014

These dreaded ships were originally used to transport captured Dark Jedi caught by the Old Republic. Though classified as a Lictor-class Dungeon Ships, they were based off modified Mandalorian Dungeon Ships. They were first used during the Mandalorian Wars, and when not actually being used to transport Force-sensitive or Jedi prisoners, dungeon ships typically transported common prisoners. These vessels boasted a special option for dealing with unruly Force Sensitive prisoners, the Universal Energy Cage, a restraint specifically devised to hold Jedi. Regular prisoners could be handled by electric shock, aural, and chemical treatment (such as releases of hallucinogenic gases), or the droids who assist those who run these ships. Not designed for combat, they are armed with ten turbolaser batteries. The other thing of note is the navigation computer; it can store two and only two coordinates at any given time, the location where the prisoners were transferred aboard the Dungeon ship, and the final destination. The rationale for this was that the navicomputer could conceivably be tampered with by the prisoners.


This ship is affiliated to the Rendili StarDrive.


The estimated price of the raw materials required to build this ship is 5,414,132.

Materals Amount
Quantum 861
Meleenium 8,910
Ardanium 1,409
Rudic 623
Rockivory 12
Tibannagas 120
Varmigio 4,557
Lommite 167
Durelium 1,519


Weapon Amount
Turbolasers 10


Navigation Stats - Cargo Stats - Hull Stats
Hyperspeed 2 Weight 800,000 T Length 764 m
Sublight Speed 30 MGLT Volume 15,000,000 m³ Hull 3,000
Max Speed 300 km/h Weight Cap 13,000 T Deflector Shields 2,000
Maneuverability 2.00 Volume Cap 250,000 m³ Ionic Capacity 1,450
Sensors 1 Max Passengers 300 ECM 0
Crew Requirement 160

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