Altair Lopez

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Altair Lopez
Biographical Information
Race Anzati
Homeworld Anzat
Clan Anzati Assassins
House Lopez
Mother Unknown
Father Unknown
Marital Status Single
Siblings Alexander von Ismay
Dac Kain
Dominic von Black
All by adoption.
Born Year -675
Languages Galactic Basic
Archaic Anzat Language
Old Tioneese
The Old Tongue
Religion Black Sun Creed
Anzati Assassins Creed
Quote Knowledge is weakness on its own, but knowing how to exploit weakness is power.
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.6 Meters
Coloring Pale
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Red
Political Information
Affiliation Gesenix Mining, Black Sun
Title Slug Overlord
Brother of House Black
Rank Capo
Positions CEO of Gesenix Mining
Slug Overlord of the Galactic Slugging Association
Consigliere of Black Sun
Anzati Assassin
Prior Affiliation Akheton Mining Corporation

Present Day




Slug Overlord


Rise of the GSA



Leigh Kellan


Rael sul C`an
Tar Alaks
GNK Power Droid
Jando Kai-ur
Adam A. Flynn


Black Sun

In Year 14, Altair Lopez and Jad Hep Viridux arrived in Revyia to start their work in Hyrotii Corporation, by order of Vigo Alexander von Ismay. However, by the time their long journey ended, Alexander von Ismay had assumed the throne of Black Sun as Underlord. Trusted by the Underlord, he was instated as acting second-in-command of the corporation, to allow him to prove his usefulness in the collective. Several months later Altair was promoted to Sgarrista and made the actual second-in-command.

In the beginning of Year 15, Hyrotii Corporation was reformed as Gesenix Mining. Altair was promoted to Enforcer and made the Chief Executive Officer of the corporation, under the watchful eye of Vigo of Infrastructure, Rexan Vyrim. He was tasked with converting the operations of Hyrotii into the Mining arm of Black Sun it is today. At that time Altair Lopez was made a Consigliere of Black Sun, as the representative of Gesenix Mining.

In late Year 15, Altair Lopez held the first Gesenix Summit in Revyia. During this summit, Gesenix personnel were introduced to the Gesenix Creed and the numerous benefits which had been concurrently arranged for them. A variety of specialized Gesenix equipment was presented to the staff, as a reward for their loyalty. Alongside Gesenix personnel, the summit had many honoured guests; Vigo Rexan Vyrim, Vigo Edhrikor Tlakh`sar, Regent Kyran Caelius and Underlord Alexander von Ismay attended. After the festivities Altair Lopez was promoted to Capo, in recognition of the many hours he had poured into Gesenix since it's reformation.

Around Year 16, D100 Altair was promoted away from Gesenix Mining, leaving the faction in the hands of his protege Jad Hep Viridux. Altair was summoned by the Throne to apear before the new Regent, Jeor Knight. He was then sent off with a new mandate and his new tittle, Underboss. The last time he was reported traveling collective freighters was on route to Malanose, where later he was seen training cadets bearing insignia of an old order of Black Sun that had not been seen since the time of his mentors.

Akheton Corporation

Altair Lopez was named second-in-command of Akheton Cosmonautic Corporation under Rael sul C`an, by Tar Alaks. Tasked with overseeing production, for the first time in his life he earned his pay-check at a corporate scale. When Tar Alaks retired, Altair Lopez formed the new Zann Consortium, together with Zann Ex and Shane Tayjer, where Altair led scouting operations until the leadership was handed down to Ximaro Jix. As he had always done, Altair returned to Naboo, this time to lead Akheton Mining Corporation, reforming its extraction operations in the Naboo sector. Altair eventually left Akheton and Naboo, taking an offer from Vigo Alexander von Ismay, who would become the Underlord of Black Sun.

Upon receiving the invitation to join Black Sun, Altair Lopez immediately gave his notice to Tabty Haasza CEO of Akheton Corporation, they departed in good standing and he was gifted the Minstrel-class Space Yacht ACS Morningstar as token of appreciation. Altair renamed the ship BSS Valar Morghulis on that day and assigned it to his protege, Jad Hep Viridux, who had worked with him in Akheton and Zann Consortium and had prior to that been the protege of his friend, the late Jando Kai-ur in Black Sun.

Galactic Journey

While hiring out his services for personal gain, Altair travelled to numerous planets to complete many jobs; liquidation, extortion, war counselling, military conscription, corporate and political espionage, etc. Rumour has it that at one point Altair was married to a Duchess, to obtain defence plans for the Galactic Empire. However, records only show the annulment that was issued after Altair made his escape. Personnel files completed on Altair during this time, describe him as surprisingly joyful, playful and friendly.

In Year -11, Altair made camp with several other mercenaries, including Clan Aliit Ca'nara be Aliit Ar'Klim, to hunt for a Krayt Dragon. After proving his skills in the battle circle, one of the Clan's members, Aden Canara, taught Altair Mando'a and Altair and Aden fought many battles together. Around Year -5 Altair had returned to Naboo, where he made a home for himself. He did not spend much time in it, often seen with the notorious Twi`Lek Jando Kai-ur. Altair learned the way of drugs and enjoying Twi`Lek woman from Jando, and they became inseparable for a time. They were last noted to have seen each other when Altair dropped Jando off at Gree, as Jando enlisted in Black Sun's Blades of the Prince. Some speculate Jando wished to prove a point to Altair.

Altair stayed in the northern territories, causing trouble for Eidola for a brief period of time. He had heard of Teniel Djo's attempt to scam Kai-ur, and though no record shows an impression was made, it cemented a motive for anti-Eidolan exploits. Eventually, Altair returned to Naboo once more, where he was soon contacted by Tar Alaks, former Lord Marshal of Black Sun. Alaks had heard rumour of his skill, and sought to utilize them himself.

Early Years

The first record shown of Altair Lopez's existence is his adoption into the Anzati Assassin Academy when he was 3 months old. This was a custom in that time, as the Old Anzat Nation was still well hidden and not many ventured off-world, as they would do later during the Great Migration. Altair spent his first 100 years in the Academy where he was noted on record twelve times for various achievements, including "excellent behaviour" and the difficult to achieve "Master of Disguise". He made his mark in his first century, graduating Top of his Class at the age of 100.

As all Anzati Assassin's, his existence was locked away and sealed for the duration of his service to the Anzat Order. However a coup in Year -297 succeeded in undoing the Anzati Assassin Order and Altair was one of the few that escaped death. He managed to hitch a ride from Anzat, with a merchant pilot called Yk'Stort Kai-ur, to Naboo where he resumed his training in solitude. Here he met Jando Kai-ur, Yk`stort's sociopath brother; the 2 would eventually become friends. Several years later Altair resorted to hiring out his special skills as a mercenary for the highest bidder. According to galactic record, numerous contractors in the core exploited his services gladly. Most notable amongst them is Dark Prince Adam A. Flynn, with whom he worked around Year 8, becoming close friends until Flynn's untimely demise soon thereafter.