Rim Commonality Legislative Session

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The Rim Commonality Legislative Sessions is a period where the legislative and executive branch of the alliance are actively in session under the elected Archon. These sessions last 6 months and in line with the elections of the Archon and Vice-Archon. Below are the current and past sessions of the Diet and major public legislation passed during that session.

Diet I: Y18D95 to Y18D190


Diet II: Y18D191 to Y19D10




Archon Solarius Masha

Vice Archon Vacant

Chief Military Director Vacant

Chief Intelligence Director Vacant

Chief Engineering Director Vacant


Pentastar Alignment

Archon Solarius Masha

Delegate Alex Masha

Delegate David Masha

Novatrans & The Octogon League

Councilor Damij Maximus

Express Enterprises & Drearian Defense League

Councilor Teresa Rowley
