Drax Whittler

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Drax Whittler

Biographical Information
Race Sullustan
Homeworld Sullust
System Sullust
Clan Noble House of Whittler
Mother Lady Sullulian Whittler -Deceased
Father Lord Dai-takon Whittler - Deceased
Siblings Saairinna Whittler - Deceased

Cabalash Whittler - Deceased Amamnita Whittler - Deceased K'Ditha Whittler - Presumed Deceased T'Lythna Whittler - Presumed Deceased Ocxtantsin Whittler - Presumed Deseased

Languages Sullustian, Twi'ilek, Giving, Whiphid, Vratix, Jawa, Muun and Galactic Basic
Physical Description
Gender Male
Age 36
Height 162cm
Weight 75.8kg
Coloring Light Pink
Hair Color None
Eye Color Blue-Black
Political Information
Affiliation Preraditi Industries
Positions President
Prior Affiliation Nakesh Alliance Extractions, Drax Industries

At first glance very few sentient's are able to get a read on Drax Whittler though he is usually impeccably dressed, his short rotund figure and often rumpled clothing often gives him an appearance of an undisciplined even slovenly being. This is a carefully cultivated look as more often than not he is underestimated whether in business negotiations or on the field of battle. Drax is meticulous with a disciplined, cunning mind. Standing only 5'4" tall and weighing in around 160lbs he should be clumsy but moves with a subtle grace and conservation of movement. Being in his early thirties Drax's blue-black eyes show tendrils of white the early stages of corneal defects common among Sullustan's of his age; therefore Mr. Whittler can often be found wearing designer sunglasses even indoors or on cloudy days. When flying h wears a specialized set of flight goggles that filter the UV rays. Both his sunglasses and flight goggles directly interface with a datapad that is carried with him at all times.



    As the first born and only male child of Lord Dai-takon and Lady Sullulian of the Noble house of Whittler Drax's life was planned for him. From the moment of his birth Drax was groomed to inherit not only the vast hereditary holdings and his fathers extensive mining and shipping interests. But the title of Marquis as well. No expense was spared on Drax's education; tutors were imported from far and wide to teach the boy. Though a headstrong boy Drax always dreamed of going on adventures and exploring the galaxy, Drax knew that his education was his ticket off of the planet of Sullust and to personal freedom/ So he studied hard and excelled in languages, mathematics, economics and galactic navigation. But his true joy came when he was in the cockpit of his J-type 327 starship.   
   Other than the incessant demands of his parents childhood was good for Drax. despite the impossible standards his parents set for him he was loved and had the joy, horror and frustration of being the only male child out of seven. Having six sisters would drive anyone crazy, it didn't help that they all came from a family of privilege and believed they should be treated like princess's at all times. being the odd one out

Maiden Voyage

New Foundations
