W-23 Star Hauler

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Revision as of 21:34, 8 January 2012 by Rupert Havok (talk | contribs)
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W-23 Star Hauler
Navigational Stats
Hyperspeed 3
Sublight Speed 40 MGLT
Max Speed 400 km/h
Manoeuvrability 3.00
Sensors 1
Proton Torpedo Launchers none
Ion Cannons none
Heavy Lasers none
Concussion Missile Launchers none
Tractor Beams none
Turbo Lasers none
Quad Lasers none
Volume 42,000 m³
Weight Cap 15,000 T
Volume Cap 6,000 m³
Max Passengers 2
Hull Stats
Length 80 m
Deflector Shields 400
Ionic Capacity 320
Estimated RM Price 1,176,234 Credits
Affiliation Techno Union


An old but sturdy design, the W-23 Star Hauler is built for practicality and not for looks. Only able to carry a captain and pilot in it's cramped flight deck, as most of the available space is devoted to carrying capacity and the engines. It was designed without the usual hangar bay to increase hull strength and its volume capacity and was given only a basic sensor suite to ensure that the power feed to the engines provided enough power to outrun most other freighters from its' time. Unfortunately, it is a compromise between fast freighters with small capacity and old large freighters with slow engines, meaning that it can do both jobs but performs neither job very well. In recent years, outpaced by bulk freighters, it has seen better days. However, its' cheap construction cost causes it to be popular still for those that have less credits or can manage with a fleet of several small freighters.