Adde Dima

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Adde Dima
Biographical Information
Race Trandoshan
Homeworld Leafar
Born Year -9
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 2.15 meters
Weight 135 kilograms
Hair Color n/a
Eye Color Orange
Political Information
Affiliation Alliance of Mercenary Consortiums (AMC)
Positions Colonel

Early Life on Trandosha

Adde Dima was born into a family of hunters who opposed enslaving other intelligent species, they chose the honor of combat over the shame of enslaving other living beings. Thus Adde grew up respecting nature and his environment, thanking each prey before handing it over to the Scorekeeper. For this reason, Adde's family was never well regarded among his brothers, who with the support of the Empire were completely dedicated to the annihilation and enslavement of other species, which always saw themselves inferior to the imperial military power.

One day a rebel squad ambushed and freed a group of slaves, Adde's family was accused of participating in this terrorist act and sentenced to death by the Empire, scared that they might defect to the growing Rebel Alliance. Adde, who was still young, was saved from death but was enslaved along with other species, especially Wookies who, despite racial rivalry, accepted him and finished their military training in a hidden way. Over time, Adde planned a way to escape from captivity and after convincing some of his companions, they murdered the guards and tried to flee, but only he managed to avoid being killed or recaptured and hid in the forests of Trandosha, evading the imperial controls that he passed. The days grew tired of looking for him.

Recruited by the A.M.C.

While living hidden in the forest, Adde managed to contact other Trandoshans who opposed the Empire and they helped him contact Logan Shivers, another Trandoshan who worked alongside Wookies in an Alliance of Mercenary Consortiums that were slowly growing in power in the Northern Mid Rim. After a couple of encrypted conversations, Logan arranged a ship to take Adde out of Trandosha and put him to work at the A.M.C. Little by little Adde managed to promote to the mobile infantry squadron of the A.M.C. and fought side by side with Wookies to recover the planet Comra and Leafar from bandits and creatures.

Thus he managed to found Black Squadron, where he recruited Trandoshans who had rebelled against Imperial rule and roamed the galaxy as bounty hunters or low-level mercenaries.

The Black Squadron

Over time he managed to found the Black Squadron, where he recruited Trandoshans who had rebelled against Imperial rule and roamed the galaxy as bounty hunters or low-level mercenaries. The hopeful alliance between Wookies and Trandoshans began to grow the squadron into a small space and ground fleet in the service of the A.M.C. Making this squadron one of the most deadly of the faction.

Disappearance and path to the force

When he was in his prime, Adde disappeared with his companions while traveling in hyperspace between Leafar and Comra. After several months of searching he was presumed dead along with his entire squadron, a regrettable loss to the faction. To everyone's surprise, Adde appeared years later with a strange sensitivity to the force that he had not felt before (What happened during this time is classified information).

Promotion at A.M.C. and opening to new jobs

Adde was promoted to Colonel and was given the responsibility of founding a city in Leafar called Utopia, where he was able to build a nature reserve and a museum, where he collects different beasts, trophies and works of art that he has been able to collect in his travels and missions throughout the galaxy. Eventually Adde also opened with his blood brother Logan Shivers, a hunting trophy market called “The Hunters Market”, where they sell trophies worked by artisans followers of the Faceless Hunter Ascendancy (F.H.A.). This market would be installed in the best space markets of the galaxy.

The Black Army Training Academy

The growing influence of Adde Dima and his Black Squadron reached to the far corners of the galaxy, drawing to Utopia countless recruits from every species imaginable. Thus was founded the Black Army, organized under the orders of Adde and at the service of the Alliance of Mercenary Consortiums. With the systematic training of fighters, Adde created The Black Army Training Academy, where he began selling squads trained in the rigorous Trandoshan manner and fully equipped with unique equipment crafted in “Ataraxia”, the second city founded by Adde on the surface of the gaseous Leafar.

His blood brother Logan Shivers would once again lend Adde a hand and invite him to participate in a project, this time in the creation of a mercenary market on an asteroid lost in the Halthor sector. There Adde sells his trained and equipped squads, ready to serve their new owner.


(Year 15, day 141) Adde joined Alliance of Mercenary Consortiums (AMC) entering the AMC's training academy
(Year 15, day 163) Promoted to the rank of Private in the Consortium's Mobile Infantry
(Year 15, Day 214) Promoted to the rank of Lance Corporal 
(Year 15, Day 244) Promoted to the rank of Corporal
(Year 15, Day 305) Promoted to the rank of Centurion 
(Year 16, Day 122) Promoted to the rank of Staff Centurion
(Year 16, Day 183) Promoted to the rank of Master Centurion
(Year 16, Day 245) Promoted to the rank of First Centurion
(Year 17, Day 247) Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant
(Year 18, Day 4)   Promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant
(Year 19, Day 193) Adde's trail with his Black Squad is lost. It is presumed that he had an accident with a black hole.
(Year 22, Day 12)  Mysteriously reappears in Comra's orbit. His ship along with his entire squad are worn, but healthy.
(Year 22, Day 35)  Promoted to the rank of Captain
(Year 22, Day 179) Promoted to the rank of Major
(Year 22, Day 302) Promoted to the rank of Colonel