Qektoth Confederation
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Template:Infobox organization
Over time, organizations often expand well past their original goal to the point of becoming unmanageable. There are just too many pieces working to keep track of and leaders are overwhelmed to the point of giving up. It gets to point where the left arm doesn't know what the right arm is doing any more. That is when a new nerve system is needed to help communicate and enable the flow of ideas and information to all of the individual body parts. In a way, that is what the Qektoth Confederation is, a new nerve system.
At the moment, the Krath Dynasty is composed of a seven individual organizations each working for the most part independently of one another; Krath Dynasty and the Order deal with the politics and military, Koros shipbuilding, MMM weapons, Astaroth mining, Smuggler's Guild logistics and Uukaablian medical. The problem is no one knows what is happening at the other organizations due to IRC and DM being the primary means of communication. To simplify everything and lay all of the projects out on the table for all to view are the Qektoth Confederation forums.
The whole point of the Qektoth Confederation is to simplify the entire Krath Dynasty industrial machine to the point of treating it as one big project with everyone onboard working towards the common goal. To do this, all organization leaders and their top managers have been invited to participate in this project. The more organizations that are onboard with the project, the more efficient the Krath Dynasty industrial machine will be.
How the project works is fairly simple. Everyone is provided the same level of access across the board from the common worker all the way up to the organization leaders. This way everyone knows what everyone else is doing. This helps when it comes to inter-organization projects such as building a warship and Koros members need to get materials from Astaroth.
Each organization is assigned their own independent forums with the project managers from each organization becoming the moderators of those subforums. This way project leaders can post, edit and modify missions as they are completed.
Once all of the organizations are running and operating efficiently, the real magic of team projects can begin. Building Homeworld One capital ships are no small accomplishment and require a lot of team work. Once the order has been issued to start construction on one of these ships, leaders within Koros can issue missions to begin retooling their shipyards within their subforums. If bulk freighters are needed, new transport missions can be issued in the Smuggler's Guild forums to begin movement of the new bulks from the shipyards to the mines. Mineral that are needed for the capital ship could be ordered through the Astaroth subforums and pickup of shipyard workers could be arranged from within the Krath Dynasty logistics forums. Now it is just a matter of the managers of each subforum to get rolling on completing the missions. Instead of just counting on the 10-12 members of Koros doing all of this work, the entire Krath Dynasty is pitching in.
Not only does this process speed up complicated projects, but it also allows the full utilization of idling employees. Koros at this point would be swamped with work to prepare for the construction of their capital ship, but perhaps the employees at Uukaablian are just sitting around doing nothing. Now with the simplified forums, idling Uukaablian employees could check out the missions within the Koros organization, realize that there are numerous missions taking place that need employees and lend a hand. This way, there should never be any idle workers complaining about not enough work to do. There will always be some sort of project taking place that they could lend a hand in.
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