Davvyk Lysander

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Davvyk Lysander
Biographical Information
Race Falleen
Homeworld Falleen Prime
Physical Description
Gender Male
Coloring Green skin
Political Information
Affiliation Raptor Pirates
Positions Pirate
Prior Affiliation Claim Jumpers
Rebel Alliance

Born on Falleen Prime during the time of space exploration, Davvyk Lysander was always looking to the stars. After the great plight and the freeing of his people from Imperial rule, Lysander felt a responsibility to use his expertise as a naval commander to help the Rebel Alliance who had in the Falleen's time of need rendered much needed aid.

Lysander joined as a lieutenant in the Rebel Alliance Navy. He rose through the ranks quickly and took his first command of Conquest Fleet. He eventually was promoted to Naval Commander of the Rebel Alliance and later to Commander of Rebel Alliance Military Operations.

Lysander's most renowned action was when, as Interim Supreme Commander of the Rebel Alliance, he introduced a free vote system for the eventual election of the Rebel Alliance Supreme Commander so that the members of the Rebel Alliance could choose their leader as opposed to the right of ascension by rank as was the previous rule.

Lysander is now retired from Alliance service.

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