Benetti B-68

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Benetti B-68
Navigational Stats
Max Speed 55 km/h
Maneuverability 5
Sensors 1
Terrain Restrictions Cave Crater Desert Forest Glacier Grassland Jungle Mountain River Rock Swamp Volcanic
Weapons None
Cargo Stats
Weight 1,000 T
Volume 1,750 m3
Weight Capacity 2 T
Volume Capacity 20 m³
Passengers 30
Hull Statistics
Length 35 m
Hull 30
Ionic Capacity 10
Shield 0
Specials None
Raw Materials
Quantum 9
Meleenium 89
Ardanium 77
Rudic 16
Tibannagas 0
Lommite 32
Rockivory 0
Bacta 0
Hibridium 0
Varium 0
Affiliation Akheton Vehicle Corporation

Uukaablis Trans-Systems

Originally built as a luxury liner, the Benetti Mariner failed to meet the commercial aspirations of its designers. The design was overhauled by removing most of the passenger space and installing a military-grade reactor to replace the much earlier fission model, allowing the ship greater speed. With the birth of the new ship, dubbed the B-68, sales grew exponentially not as a cruise liner but as a personal water craft that boasted speed and style.

Aratech licensed a limited number of these for production from Akheton Vehicle Corporation in the middle of Year 13, they should arrive shortly on the market in early Year 14.