Edlothia Rhasslariel

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Edlothia Rhasslariel
Biographical Information
Race Half Diathim, Half Thyferran
Homeworld Sirenum Scopuli
Mother Unknown
Father Unknown
Born Year -3 Day 315
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 1.70 metres
Coloring glowish light pale
Eye Color dark hazel
Political Information
Affiliation The Ashla Covenant
Prior Affiliation Athakam MedTech
"I wish that I could make her life happier than mine at the cost of sacrifice."
— Edlothia Rhasslariel

To be modified


Early Childhood

Little known about what exactly happened to Edlothia Rhasslariel. Nonetheless, at first she did not have a birth name and who actual biological parents was remained mystery. She was found by a passerby half dead and continuously bleeding from the back. Thyferran Medics team was nearby and gave first aid just before she entered into a "State of Comma'.

Awoken by the noise of musical instruments, Edlothia discovered and realised that she was at the Orphanage for Girls. The care mother of the Orphanage could not identify who she was, who her parents was, and where she lived. Nevertheless, for a couple of years, she had been receiving medical treatment for her back and internal system.

At the age of ten, she was verdicted that her back had got something sharp and when it was heavily scanned, it was discovered that it was undeveloped wing. Moreover, Edlothia's eyes are prone to dark and would blind temporarily at night or in dark. Though at her age, a young Diathim should be able to fly like 'an angle', which mostly referred by the observers; however, she failed to perform what a young Diathim should be able to. These also had been emphasised that she was unable to communicate by means of 'telepathy'. The height was not really put into consideration, but she was possibly the lowest among other Diathims. Medics yet found out whether the trauma she had got affected significantly over her life.


A Thyferran woman visited the Orphanage and took Edlothia out. Though reasons were still arguingly unclear why she was chosen and taken out, but for sure it was not just pure random. On the way home, a Thyferran woman walked and looked over both sides - flowers, which resembled to what a Calla lilly looks like. Thus, having been informed by the previous care mother of the Orphanage that the girl did not have a name, she was then named after that flower, 'Lot', which just literally meaning the Lilly in Thyferran Language.

Lot had been taken care of by a single Thyferran woman for almost half decade. During her life, she was taught well a Basic Medical by recognising traditional herbs, which were qualified as potential medicine to treat serious infection - whether internal or external, serious wounds or injuries such as cut, shot, and burnt; and of course the usual illness like flu, 'space sick' and so on.

Her five years life with quality were truly essential bringing and developing her becoming someone who truly cares about others.

A Stepmother

Being curious not only in Medical, but the life outside Millius Prime, Lot met a beautiful youth Hapan, who looked like in twenties. The name of 'Edlothia' then was born and complete here. Quezia, the youth Hapan, gave her the completion of the name 'Lot' to 'Edlothia', which means 'a group of Calla lilly that always have 'bright hope' to shine tomorrow'. Edlothia then was invited over to Quezia's residence and introduced to her mother, Katria Rhasslariel.

Knowing the fact what Edlothia's background had, sympathically, Katria took Edlothia as her stepdaughter willingly. Thus, Edlothia carries a surname of Rhasslariel. Quezia, then in effect, becomes like her half sister to Edlothia. Despite Edlothia's nature of loneliness, Quezia's cheering and supportive characteristics had made Edlothia to become 'a state of serenity'.

Prior Joining Athakam MedTech

Athakam MedTech

Personality and Traits