Amanda Dominia

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Amanda Dominia
Biographical Information
Race Twi'lek
Homeworld Ryloth
Mother Unknown
Father Unknown
Marital Status Preparing for a wedding
Spouse Acelin Dominia
Siblings Unknown
Children None
Born Before year 1
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 5'9.5
Coloring Red
Eye Color Blue
Political Information
Awards None

My Life

I was a Twi'lek born on Ryloth, and raised on Coruscant as a slave. It was terrible the life on corrusant. all I did was sit in a cell until I was needed. Until, I tried to escape, at first I tried to run away during one of my jobs. It didn't end well as they sent me to a Completely enclosed room and I just sat there until every sunday at midnight when they would give me scraps from the food that week and I did nothing for years, just sitting and waiting until sunday for food at the age of nine when I escaped by crawling through the food slot, using a GRZ-6B to escape by hiding within the hull of the ship. I hid for many years sneaking food down to the hull to hide. For years the ship was taken to many planets but, when the ship went to the planet known as moobia they noticed me and threw me out until I found were someone else had a GRZ-6B that seemed empty so I enter it, I stayed there for three days as a shelter, then when Acelin Dominia was doing recycling work he was collecting wreckers for his faction and the ship I was in was one of the ones he collected. He woke me up and asked how I got here and I told him everything that happened and he allowed me to stay on the ship we have been together for a year and are planning our wedding.

The Wedding

<Kuro_Neko>: Dear Friends <Kuro_Neko>: We have come together here this day to share in the celebration of a marriage. <Kuro_Neko>: Acelin Dominia and Amanda, <Kuro_Neko>: desiring to enter the holy relationship of a marriage, now present themselves before Ara and this fellowship of friends and relatives that their mutual consent to be united as husband and wife may be heard, witnessed and consecrated. <Kuro_Neko>: Dearly beloved <Kuro_Neko>: Far beyond outward differences of creed and theology, far beyond seeming differences of species, colour or language is a deep recognition that we are all children of Ara. <Kuro_Neko>: Ara, who made the heavens and planets, and created all species as his children. <Kuro_Neko>: We may call him by different words, rituals and customs. <Kuro_Neko>: We may seek his presence in the physical church, the outer reaches of space, or in the inmost recesses of our being, yet he is still the one God of all people. <Kuro_Neko>: Ara would have us sanctify this most intimate relationship so that we may find the joy and the happiness with which Ara can endow it. <Kuro_Neko>: Therefore, we approach now this most ancient and most modern of institutions, in the spirit of divine hope and in the knowledge of Ara's sustaining grace. <Kuro_Neko>: Acelin Dominia <Kuro_Neko>: and <Kuro_Neko>: Amanda, <Kuro_Neko>: your marriage relationship offers you the highest and most intimate experience of love. A growing bond of affection, trust and mutual concern can bring you into a fuller life than either of you can achieve alone. <Kuro_Neko>: As you share with each other your creative differences, your life together can become richer, more complete and more soul-satisfying. <Kuro_Neko>: The very nature of love is to want to give to another to give ever more fully, feeling Joy in the Joy of another. <Kuro_Neko>: This love calls forth the best qualities in each of you, seeking to break down the barriers of selfishness and mistrust, and all that would keep you apart. <Kuro_Neko>: This love opens the way to a deeper understanding and sensitivity, enabling you to respond more fully to the desires and needs of each other. <Kuro_Neko>: As you stand here, in this high moment, remember that love, loyalty and trust are the foundations of a happy and lasting marriage. <Kuro_Neko>: As you strive to fulfill the commitment you make here today, your life together can be increasingly full of joy, of satisfaction and of peace. <Kuro_Neko>: I pray that in all the events of life you will hold fast to the vision and promise of this, your wedding day. <Kuro_Neko>: Acelin Dominia, <Kuro_Neko>: in light of this vision of life together, will you take <Kuro_Neko>: Amanda <Kuro_Neko>: as your wife, that you may live together in the holy bond of marriage? <Kuro_Neko>: Will you strive to love, honor and comfort her, and will you be faithful to her so long as you both shall live? <Acelin_Dominia>: I will <Kuro_Neko>: Amanda, <Kuro_Neko>: in light of this vision of life together, will you take <Kuro_Neko>: Acelin Dominia <Kuro_Neko>: as your husband, that you may live together in the holy bond of marriage? <Kuro_Neko>: Will you strive to love, honor and comfort him, and will you be faithful to him so long as you both shall live? <Amanda>: I will, yes... <Kuro_Neko>: Ara, we ask for your blessing to be upon these rings that they may always be symbols of love and devotion. Kuro_Neko Lights the Marriage Candle <Kuro_Neko>: Forasmuch as you <Kuro_Neko>: Acelin Dominia <Kuro_Neko>: and you <Kuro_Neko>: Amanda <Kuro_Neko>: have consented together in marriage, and have pledged your love and your commitment each to the other in the presence of Ara and of this company, I do now pronounce that you are husband and wife. <Kuro_Neko>: May Ara bless, preserve and keep you <Kuro_Neko>: May Ara mercifully look upon you and fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace, that your love for each other may grow and deepen all the days of your life. <Kuro_Neko>: May Ara grant that many children may flow from your loins. <Kuro_Neko>: May the Force be with you. <Kuro_Neko>: Amen. <Kuro_Neko>: Ace, you may now kiss the bride...

      • Amanda is now known as Amanda_Dominia