Zibbi Hizk

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Zibbi Hizk
Biographical Information
Race Kubaz
Homeworld Kubindi
Mother Data Corrupt
Father Data Corrupt
Spouse Data Corrupt
Siblings Data Corrupt
Children Data Corrupt
Born Year -16 Day 121
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.4m
Coloring Standard
Eye Color Red
Political Information
Affiliation Alliance Special Operations
Title None
Rank Lieutenant
Positions Classified
Prior Affiliation None
""Zizz zzinni zinz zzizz""
— Zibbi, speaking in his native tongue


Early Life

Escaping Kubindi

As a youth Zibbi had not much to look forward to upon his home world of Kubindi. The local clans were warring with one another over food and land, as was the usual. He was born in a village known in the common tongue as Fresh Food Here, or Zzzni zinzziz Izzz in the Kubaz tongue. The young child was often forced to seek and hunt his own food, which came natural enough for him the boy was always beyond his age in athletics and cunning. As he grew in age however, the locals were less and less forgiving about a Zizziziz Zinzzzi, No-Clanner in common, hunting their grounds and taking from them. After several warnings Zibbi was finally apprehended for his crimes, and was sentenced to be executed for theft, charging him with every count for any mistake he had ever made growing up. Many in his home village were outraged because Zibbi fed many poor off of what little he could bring back and saved many lives with the food he could ration - yet the elders of the clans were deciding him unfit to live among them. What they did not know is that the young man was a natural escape artist, and was beyond adept in using stealth to his advantage. He broke out of jail, and blended within the same city for four days before finding an escape. A shuttle taking medical supplies to and from Kubindi was left unattended and it was there he stowed himself away in a wiring compartment for the duration of the hyper journey.

Awards and Ribbons

Award Image

Award Name

Given By

Date Received


Combat Arrest Ribbon

Xakic Jix

Y15 D300