Jawa Swap Meet

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Gomjam po bom'loo. -- A Jawa phrase meaning "Always a bargain."

A Jawa Swap Meet is an event where Jawas gather to trade droids, scrap, ships, vehicles, and even other Jawas. It is a major gathering of the Jawa community on a selected location to exchange goods and news.

Jawa Swap Meet in the Dune Sea

Historically, Jawa Swap Meets were held almost exclusively on Tatooine. This changed with the first non-residing Jawa Swap Meet held in Year 14 and organized by Uli-ah Gafsa due to some Jawas unfortunately not being able to return to Tatooine due to their political beliefs or their actions.

  • Year 14 Jawa Swap Meet was held on the planet Toprawa IV between Days 281 and 306.
  • Year 15 Jawa Swap Meet was held on the surface of Malastare's southeastern desert region in between Days 240 and 247.

Shortly after the execution of Uli-ah Gafsa following the 2nd Jawa Swap Meet The Knights of the Fountain, in conjunction with the Kriegs Run and Zorkinian Enterprises announce the first Uli-ah Gafsa Memorial Swap Meet

Uli-ah Gafsa Memorial Swap Meet

The first Uli-ah Gafsa Memorial Swap Meet was held on Bothawui in Year 16 between Day 262-268