Benjamin Najman

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Benjamin Najman
Biographical Information
Race Herglic
Homeworld Giju (Nominal)
Mother Lord William Najman
Father Lady Margaret Najman
Spouse None
Siblings None
Children None
Born Giju, Year Unknown
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 2.30 meters
Weight 190
Hair Color None
Eye Color Black
Political Information
Affiliation The eXiles,Koensayr
Rank 2nd In Command

Lord Benjamin Najman is currently the Second in Command of Koensayr Manufacturing, The eXiles production faction, located south east of the galaxy.


Early Years

Lord Benjamin Najman Herglic to Lord William Najman head of "House Najman" and Lady Margaret Najman, both Herglic. At the young age of seven The Galactic Empire invaded Herglic Space. William Najman was called to battle to lead the 2nd Herglic Empire Naval Defense Fleet. William was killed during the battle after 13 confirmed Imperial Fighter Pilot kills. Lady Margaret, shortly thereafter had the young Lord Benjamin sent off to Rannon to learn at The [[eXiles] academy. While growing up he was the captain of the shockball team, holding the school records in most goals in a season (12), and most career goals scored (53). Benjamin was also voted Instrop System Academy Shockball Most Valuable Player three out of his four years.

The eXiles