Antmuel VI

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Antmuel VI
System Antmuel
Sector Chopani
Galactic Coordinates 2, 378
System Coordinates 13, 2
Astrographic Entry Antmuel VI
Type temperate/breathable
Primary Terrain: Cave, Ocean, Grassland, Jungle, Forest, Swamp
Rotational Period 18 standard hours
Orbital Period 308 standard days
Population 62,867
Controlled By Gree Trade Authority
Governor Tomas o`Cuinn
Sentient Races Mandalorian

Antmuel VI is a temperate world located in the Antmuel system of the Chopani sector. While under the legal ownership of the Gree Trade Authority, the planet serves as the personal residence of galactic businessman and Gree Chief Executive Officer Tomas o`Cuinn. Although the exact design specifications are the proprietary property of o`Cuinn Enterprises, Antmuel VI's cities are rumored to be built into an extensive network of caves spanning across most of the planet. Like the star system it resides in, the world has become another safe haven for tens of thousands of Mandalorians, who, combined with Tomas' family and employees, make up the planet's population and workforce.