Orion Silverhelm

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Orion Silverhelm
Biographical Information
Race Human
Children Octavian Silverhelm
Physical Description
Gender Male
Political Information
Affiliation Jedi Praxium
Corporate Sector Authority

Orion Althanor Silverhelm was the leader of the Corporate Sector Authority and founder of Silverhelm Entertainment Media Incorporated. After a long flight in hyperspace, he was captured and executed by the Sith Order circa Year 11-12.


Orion Silverhelm is a former Arch Chancellor of the Jedi Praxium and a former member of the Jedi Order. He is also an Honorary Jedi, an Honorary Antarian Ranger and an Honorary Wraith. Silverhelm is perhaps most well-known as a co-founder of the Corporate Sector Authority (CSA) and his friendly rivalry with the thief Keir Santage. He later served as Executive Officer (ExO) of the CSA until Year 7 Day 221 when he retired and was replaced by Midge Cellewan.

He reportedly had a son named Octavian Silverhelm.

Executive Officer (ExO) of the Corporate Sector Authority
Preceded By:
Mystiel Raleigh
Orion Silverhelm
Year 6Year 7
Succeeded By:
Midge Cellewan