Grouta Vermilic Smaga

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"Rot in Boboqueequee!"
— Grouta the Hutt

Grouta Vermilic Smaga, commonly known as Grouta the Hutt, and proclaimed "Her Immenseness", is the member of the Vermilic kajidic and, arguably, a rising force in the Hutt community.

Grouta Vermilic Smaga
Biographical Information
Race Hutt
Homeworld Nar Shaddaa
Father N/A Deceased
Siblings Three
Children One ; Deceased
Born Year -345
Died N/A
Physical Description
Gender Hermaphrodite (feminine personality)
Height 3.7 meters long
1.66 meters tall
Coloring Gray/Blue
Eye Color Yellow
Political Information
Affiliation Vermilic Kajidic
Rank Lorda