Grouta Vermilic Smaga

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"Rot in Boboqueequee!"
— Grouta the Hutt

Grouta Vermilic Smaga, commonly known as Grouta the Hutt, and proclaimed "Her Immenseness", is a member of the Vermilic kajidic and is, arguably, a rising force in the Hutt community.

Grouta Vermilic Smaga
Biographical Information
Race Hutt
Homeworld Nar Shaddaa
Father Vaalo Vermilic Gejalli - Deceased
Siblings Unknown; Three siblings
Children Aogak Seba - Year -163 to -110 -
Deceased (crushed to death; aged 53)
Born Year -445 (Aged 458)
Physical Description
Gender Hermaphrodite (feminine personality)
Height 3.7 meters long
1.66 meters tall
Coloring Gray/Blue
Eye Color Yellow
Political Information

Personal History

Early Life

Born to Vaalo Gejalli, and into the declining Vermilic kajidic, Grouta and all her siblings were prematurely ejected from their father's brood pouch to be immediately put to work.

First of her siblings, Grouta's childhood consisted of overseeing child criminal rings on Nar Shaddaa, and eventually, raising her siblings alongside her father.