Zordo Vermilic Smasi

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Zordo Vermilic Smasi
Biographical Information
Race Hutt
Homeworld Nar Shaddaa
Father Vaalo Vermilic Gejalli - Deceased
Siblings Grouta Vermilic Smaga
Born Year - 398 (Aged 411)
Physical Description
Gender Hermaphrodite (masculine personality)
Height 3.6 meters long
1.66 meters tall
Coloring Orange/Yellow
Eye Color Yellow
Political Information
Affiliation Serv-O-Droid
Rank Department Chair of Sales
"Let them feel our chains on their necks, as they serve their true masters."
— Zordo the Hutt

Young Years

Zordo Vermilic Smasi was born to Vaalo Vermilic Gejalli, and into the declining Vermilic kajidic. Zordo's Huttlet years mostly consisted of helping his sister, Grouta Vermilic Smaga, with her child criminal rings. Eventually, the young Zordo began to attain some criminal experience. Enjoying life in the Vermilic Kajidic Palace, ignorant of all of the problems; until one day, armed agents stormed the Palace. Vaal Vermilic Gejalli, and his brave brothers and sisters fought against the agents. The day, was dubbed "Day of Dead Slugs", because of the massive casualties the Vermilic Kajidic sustained. Zordo survived because his sister Grouta kept him safe in her young pouch as they escaped.