Joruba Trading Corporation

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Joruba Trading Corporation
General Information
Leader Brand Malden
Historical Information
Founded Year 13 Day 220
Political Information
Industry Service, Trading
Holosite Joruba Trading Corporation


The Joruba Trading Corporation was originally formed by Three Brothers under the name of Joruba Consortium. The Consortium enjoyed a successful wholesale distribution business buying up cheap stock in backwater planets shipping it to more desirable locations and then selling it for profit. It kept itself relatively quiet in the public domain due to this just being a front for there various illegal activities.

Fortunately the Sector Rangers picked up on these activities and arranged a sting operation. They sent in Two Agents who infiltrated the Consortium, Capturing the Three Brothers and seizing all their assets.

Then with the changes in the rules of Galactic Trading the Sector Rangers were approached about the possibility of reforming Joruba to the once great faction it was.

With this headquarters were formed on Sabrash II in the same city as where the brothers were captured in Kastolar and the faction was officially opened for business to public on Y13D220 and will be managed by Brand Malden

We maintain a completely neutral stance in Galactic Politics and will happily trade with anybody or faction.

We will specialise in Market Access Management with the hope of creating a Trade Network spanning the whole Galaxy that will be available to all. Supply and Demand Buying and Selling as well as running there owned manufacturing Complexes.

We aim to be the best and most reasonable faction out there that not only people want to deal with time and time again but also reward our customers by giving something back at the same time.

Known Markets

Eol Sha system in the Corva Sector



  • Year 13 Day 220: The Joruba Trading Corporation is founded.