Mingolo Mingolonio

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Mingolo Mingolonio
Biographical Information
Race Bio-modified Gand-Abyssin Hybrid
Homeworld Zaddja
Mother Unknown prostitute
Father Omgg Mingolonio (Deceased)
Siblings Kazya Mingolonio (Deceased)
Born Unknown
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 2.21 meters
Coloring Black
Eye Color Yellow
Political Information
Prior Affiliation Raptor Pirates
Awards Warlord of Norulac
Executor of Legions
various unimportant ones


Ming is a very mentally sick individual who cares for no one but himself, has no emotions for anyone or anything outside rage and lust, and thinks of nothing but his own personal satisfaction. An all around anti-social dick, Ming has never had any goals or expectancy about his life; he does not care for money, has always lived in terrible conditions with no interest of improving his situation. He's hated by most because he is an overall asshole who shoots before asking questions, he rarely talks and when he does it's usually to insult you, has a serious and explosive temper problem, and has a fetish for blood, death, torture, bondage, murder, masochism, and rape.

Ming was also born a gand, but didn't speak a word of gand, nor did he ever cared to, nor did he he ever visited the gand homeworld, nor ever known anything about it. He was of the lungless sub-species, not needing any kind of apparatus to breathe because he did not breathe, and didn't use, unlike most lungless gand who use said apparatus anyway because they're morons. He is, however, no longer biologically classified as a gand due to reportedly complex biological modifications his body is rumored to have underwent during the galactic Metamorphosis Plague. According to these rumors, these modifications might have included intentional and controlled infections of the metamorphosis plague virus, organ transplants, and the biological engineering of body parts from scratch. Exact details are blurred.

He enjoys making others and seeing others suffering, and it is about the only thing he ever does; his hobbies include but are not limited to inflicting physical torture upon others, self-inflicted torture, random murders, murder on impulse, mass murders, serial killings, bondage and rape of females, watching blood blow, and covering his body in blood. He cares not for his own well being and regularly and carelessly jumps into situations in which he is sure to be killed, simply out of impulse. In fact, he enjoys and revels in the sensation of pain as much as he does in inflicting such pain onto others, and jumps into fights with as much intention of getting wounded himself as of wounding others. Ming also enjoys mutilating himself, including filing his teeth so he can rip pieces of flesh from others.

Ming is a very mentally sick individual who cares for no one but himself, has no emotions for anyone or anything outside rage and lust, and thinks of nothing but his own personal satisfaction.

Mental Illness

Reportedly suffers from the following mental disorders.

  • Sociopathy Personality Disorder
  • Severe Intermittent Explosive Disorder
  • Severe Bi-polar Mental Disorder
  • Sadomasochism Mental Disorder
  • Hematomania Mental Disorder