{{ Infobox ship
| name = YT-510
| image = [[File:YT-510.jpg|300px]
| hyper = 7
| SubSpeed = 100 MGLT
| maxspeed = 1,000 km/h
| Maneuverability = 5.00
| sensors = 8
| ecm = 0
| escapepods = n/a
| dockingbay = n/a
| hangarbay = n/a
| landingcap = Yes
| repulsor =
| graviton = n/a
| dockingport = n/a
| medicalroom = n/a
| recycling = n/a
| weaponsutility = n/a
| weight = 300 T
| volume = 3,159 m³
| weightcap = 0.1600 T
| volumecap = 3 m³
| maxpassengers = 3
| partyslotsize = 4.00
| length = 30 m
| hull = 120
| shield = 100
| ioniccap = 54
| RMP = 338,983
| quantum = 34
| meleenium = 360
| ardanium = 53
| rudic = 140
| rockivory = 58
| tibannagas = n/a
| varmigio = 244
| lommite = 10
| durelium = 81
| bacta = n/a
| hibridium = n/a
| varium = n/a
| affiliation = Kuat Drive Yards
The YT-510, commonly dubbed the "Legacy-Arcrunner" model, has speed unmatched by any other commonly available ship, boasting significant hyperdrive improvements over the other YT models. Even more impressive are the powerful magnetosphere sublight engines, able to reach almost double the speed of previous models. Regrettably, this came at the cost of room and this ship is able to hold little but a few passengers and their supplies. Further more, it is unarmed, making it at risk to pirates. The speed however should more than make up for it.
Known YT-510
This is a listing of the known operational YT-510, and their current owners. Where possible, they are organized by their production date, via the ship registry identification number.
- Jagannath:
- Ship Registry ID #: 368047, Current Owner: Kroprox Rodz, Previous Owner: Kuat Drive Yards, Modifications: Custom Painting