A rank is another word for position, it relates to the person's placement in the hierarchy of an organization. Most organizations follow a similar system of ranking. In military organizations, one's rank is often reflected by the insignia one wears.
The names for ranks vary in different organizations and in different branches.
The ranks are presented in ascending order.
A rank that is found in most military groups. Usually given to someone who is in training.
Present in:
- Falleen Federation
- Black Sun - as Hopeful
- Galactic Empire - as Trainee
Also known as Crewman in Imperial Navy. A private is senior to a Recruit. The private rank is usually given out to recruits that have completed their given basic training and is typically a paid rank. It is commonly abbreviated as "Pvt" or "PVT".
Present in:
- Galactic Empire
- Black Sun - as Servutti
Also known as Flight Corporal in Imperial Navy. An enlisted and non-commissioned officer rank in the army. In the Imperial Army, Corporals may hold a limited leadership position within their unit such as a Brigade Executive Officer. It is commonly abbreviated as "Cpl" or "CPL".
Present in:
- Galactic Empire
- Black Sun - as Piciotto
Also known as Flight Sergeant in the Imperial Navy. An enlisted and non-commissioned officer army rank that is senior to a Corporal. In the Imperial Army, Sergeants typically serve as Brigade Commanding Officers and have somewhat of a leadership authority to junior members. Army members tend to dub the sergeant that is in their command as "Sarge". Sergeants are commonly abbreviated as "Sgt" or "SGT".
Present in:
- Galactic Empire
- Black Sun - as Soldatti or Ciavutti
Master Sergeant
Also known as Master Flight Sergeant in the Imperial Navy. A Master Sergeant is an enlisted and non-commissioned officer army rank that is senior to a Sergeant. It is commonly abbreviated as "Msg", "Msgt", "MSG" or "MSGT".
Present in:
- Galactic Empire
- Black Sun - as Dagger or Associate
Command Sergeant
Also known as Command Flight Officer in the Imperial Navy. An enlisted and non-commissioned officer army rank. In the Imperial Army, the Command Sergeant is the highest enlisted rank and in some respects, has the authority similar to that of an officer. They may serve as army Legion Executive Officers or any similar high authority position. Command Sergeants are commonly abbreviated as "Csg", "Csgt", "CSG" and "CSGT".
Present in:
Second Lieutenant
Also known as Ensign in the Imperial Navy. A Second Lieutenant is typically senior to any enlisted personnel and junior to a 1st Lieutenant. Second Lieutenants are addressed by rank and name, thereafter by subordinates as "Sir" or "Ma'am". The rank is usually abbreviated to "2Lt." or "2LT".
Present in:
- Galactic Empire
- Black Sun - as Sai-Los
- New Republic - same as in Empire, also as Pilot Officer
First Lieutenant=
Sometimes known as Lieutenant (Junior Grade) or Sub Lieutenant. Typically senior to a naval Ensign and junior to a Lieutenant. Sub Lieutenants are addressed by rank and name, thereafter by subordinates as "Sir" or "Ma'am". The rank is usually abbreviated to "SLt./LtJG" or "SLT/LTJG".
Present in:
- Galactic Empire
- Black Sun - as Hamon or Cugine
- New Republic - same as in Empire, also as Flight Officer
In the Imperial Navy, the equivalent rank is Lieutenant. A Captain is typically senior to a 1st Lieutenant and junior to a Major. Captains are addressed by rank and name, thereafter by subordinates as "Sir" or "Ma'am". The rank is usually abbreviated to "Cpt." or "CPT".
Present in:
- Galactic Empire
- Black Sun - as Schiavona or Sgarrista
- New Republic - same as in Empire, also as Flight Lieutenant
In the Imperial Navy, the equivalent rank is Lieutenant Commander. A Major is typically senior to a Captain and junior to a Lieutenant Colonel. Majors are addressed by rank and name, thereafter by subordinates as "Sir" or "Ma'am". The rank is usually abbreviated to "Maj." or "MAJ".
Present in:
- Galactic Empire
- Black Sun - as Phurba or Capodecima
- New Republic - same as in Empire, also as Squadron Commander
Lieutenant Colonel
In the Imperial Navy, the equivalent rank is Commander. A Lieutenant Colonel is typically senior to a Major and junior to a Colonel. Lieutenant Colonels are addressed by rank and name, thereafter by subordinates as "Sir" or "Ma'am". The rank is usually abbreviated to "LtCol." or "LTCOL".
Present in:
- Galactic Empire
- Black Sun - as Blade or Enforcer
- New Republic - same as in Empire, also as Wing Commander
In the Imperial Navy, the equivalent is Captain. A Colonel is typically senior to a Lieutenant Colonel and junior to a Brigadier. Colonels are addressed by rank and name, thereafter by subordinates as "Sir" or "Ma'am". The rank is usually abbreviated to "Col." or "COL".
Present in:
- Galactic Empire
- Falleen Federation - also as Captain
- New Republic - same as in Empire, also as Group Captain
Sometimes known as Brigadier General. Also known as Commodore in the Imperial Navy. A Brigadier is typically senior to a Colonel and junior to a Major General. Brigadiers are addressed by rank and name, thereafter by subordinates as "Sir" or "Ma'am". The rank is usually abbreviated to "Brig./BGen." or "BRIG/BGEN".
Present in:
- Galactic Empire
- Black Sun - as Dai-Los
- New Republic - same as in Empire, also as Flight Commodore
Major General
Also known as Rear Admiral in the Imperial Navy. A Major General is typically senior to a Brigadier and junior to a Lieutenant General. Major Generals are addressed by rank and name, thereafter by subordinates as "Sir" or "Ma'am". The rank is usually abbreviated to "MGen." or "MGEN".
Present in:
- Galactic Empire
- Black Sun - as Capo or Overseer
- New Republic - same as in Empire, also as Flight Marshal
- Falleen Federation
Lieutenant General
Also known as Vice Admiral in the Imperial Navy. A Lieutenant General is typically senior to a Major General and junior to a General. Lieutenant Generals are addressed by rank and name, thereafter by subordinates as "Sir" or "Ma'am". The rank is usually abbreviated to "LtGen." or "LTGEN".
Present in:
- Galactic Empire
- Black Sun - as Omir or Underboss
- New Republic - same as in Empire, also as Vice Marshal
- Falleen Federation
Also known as Admiral in the Imperial Navy. The rank of the highest military officers. Generals are addressed by rank and name, thereafter by subordinates as "Sir" or "Ma'am". The rank is usually abbreviated to "Gen." or "GEN".
Present in:
- Galactic Empire
- Black Sun - as Omir Morte or Boss
- New Republic - same as in Empire, also as Marshal
- Falleen Federation
High General
Also known as Surface Marshall or Fleet Admiral (Imperial Navy). The rank is often held by the most senior General of an entire army service or a senior General commanding multiple armies as opposed to just one. High Generals are addressed by rank and name, thereafter by subordinates as "Sir" or "Ma'am". The rank is usually abbreviated to "HGen." or "HGEN".
Present in:
- Galactic Empire
- Black Sun - as Warlord or Magnate
- Falleen Federation - as Lord Admiral, Lord Marshal, Deputy Minister
- New Republic - as High Admiral, High Marshal, High General
An additional rank above the High General. Roughly equivalent to a Moff in the Galactic Empire.
Present in:
Grand General
Traditionally, the rank of Grand Admiral is placed over all existing Naval and Army ranks in the Galactic Empire. It is equivalent to the Grand Moff. Grand Admirals are addressed by rank and name, thereafter by subordinates as "Sir" or "Ma'am". The rank is usually abbreviated to "GAdm." or "GADM".
Present in:
- Galactic Empire
- Falleen Federation - as Prime Minister
Lord Admiral
Another senior rank.
Present in:
- Galactic Empire
- Falleen Federation - as Regent of the Crown