Simeon Promethion

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Revision as of 21:24, 17 June 2011 by Rupert Havok (talk | contribs)
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Simeon Promethion
Biographical Information
Race Nikto
Homeworld Kintan
Mother Unknown
Father Unknown
Spouse None
Siblings None
Children None
Born Unknown
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 2 meters
Weight 90 kg
Hair Color None
Eye Color Yellow
Political Information
Affiliation Murishani Unubunko
Rank Morgukai Warrior
Positions Second in Command
Prior Affiliation none
Awards none

Simeon was trained well by his family. His father made sure that he was well versed in language and the craft of the Nikto warrior. Although he did not know of the Morgukai cult until; he was an adult he was trained in its ways of honour and hatred for the Jedi. He never went through the rites of the warrior but developed a strong will and was as deadly a fighter as any of his family with a staff or without.

He has spent his entire life on Kintan until recently. His father was killed in an accident that was blamed on Simeon. He then changed his name to save his family's honour and went off world.