Veta Tapari

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Veta Tapari
Biographical Information
Race Codru-ji
Homeworld Munto Codru
Born Year -3 Day 291
Languages Codruese (native)
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 151 cm
Coloring Light
Eye Color Sapphire
Political Information
Affiliation Asher Institute for Medical Research
Title Doctor

Dr. Veta Tapari is a female Cordu-ji medical doctor.


Life on Munto Cordu

Few details are known about Veta Tapari's early life. She is a war child, having survived a civil war on her planet where her parents did not. She was raised to adulthood in an orphanage, during which time her birth certificate was apparently tampered with. Upon leaving the orphanage, she attended the Munto Codru Institute of Medical Practice and earned her Medical Doctor degree before leaving her homeworld in early Year 22.

Asher Institute

Veta traveled to the Asher system, where she found work at the Asher Institute for Medical Research.

Personal information

Physical description

Veta is a Codru-ji standing at 151 centimeters. She has light skin and bright, sapphire eyes. Her hair color is unknown.

Veta's apparel is often considered unusual by most standards, especially for medical workers. She wears a headscarf for unknown reasons, completely covering her hair. She usually wears a long red cardigan over a white top. She also wears blue jeans rolled up to her calves and red slippers.


Having grown up in a war zone, Veta is not one to cower from or be sickened by the sight or smell of blood. This, and her immense willpower, have allowed her to become a successful doctor. She is skilled in bedside manner, making her popular among many of her patients.

Veta is not without her flaws, however, as she seems to have a fear of her own race. She is known to pull her headscarf tighter when around other Codru-ji, and often turns the other way when one confronts her. Some have attributed her behavior to her experience watching her parents die, speculating that she may feel betrayed by her own people.