Category talk:Factions

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OOC Term

Is faction not an OOC term? --Xanyarr Chyakk 17:09, 22 February 2011 (GMT)

It is, but what do we use instead? Do we categorize things Corporations, Governments and the like? I do get your point, but we need to come up with an alternative name for all the faction types if we want to scrap the term faction. Orphaea Imperium 17:12, 22 February 2011 (GMT)
It could be used IC as well, but it is indeed more OOC than IC. I think we already have a template "organisation" this could be a useful term to refer to most factions or use as a category that is more IC.--Dreighton 17:18, 22 February 2011 (GMT)
In the 7 years I've been a member of the Combine, Faction has always been an IC term, CMG was the OOC term Sekrad Murem 23:28, 26 February 2011 (GMT)
ohai dead page. Faction in the sense of encompassing every group in game is an OOC term; as an IC term it would refer to the different factions of the war (so the NR and GE would be factions, but a mining company would not be independently--it might be aligned with the GE faction, if a supporter, though). However, I really don't see what else can be used that would cover actual "factions" as well as all of the smaller companies, so the only other option would be to divide OOC factions into their own categories (such as government, ship producer, etc .. which is already the case, afaik) or leave this category intact as well. -- Syn 02:13, 16 October 2011 (GMT)
Hm, I guess this is Organisations now. That works. -- Syn 04:26, 16 October 2011 (GMT)