Cicero Stryker
Cicero Cilantro Stryker | |
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Biographical Information | |
Race | Gotal |
Homeworld | Coruscant |
Mother | Chantelle Celeste Stryker |
Father | Crescent Stryker |
Born | Year -24, Day 80 |
Physical Description | |
Gender | Male |
Height | 6' 0" |
Political Information | |
Affiliation | Unknown |
Prior Affiliation | Tion Hegemony |
Cicero Stryker - Description
Cicero Stryker is described as a well-dressed male Gotal, who appreared to have been around the galaxy once. His graying chin stubble is the only hint of age upon this fellow but with the physique displaying the rigor of a Gotal half his age. Many of his colleagues state that when he enters the room the fragrance of a Corellian rolled cigarra and freshly printed credits sweetly breezes past the nostrils of any Sentient. He is decorated closely at his side by a young sultry Chiss lady. Many of the weak minded Sentients are most intrigued by the Gotal male, and feel the need to get is their destiny.
Historical Database
Cicero Cilantro Stryker was born in a ground level medical facility of Slum District G17 in the dark foundations of Capital City, Coruscant in the year -24, on day 80. He is the only child of his parents, who were immigrants from the planet Antar 4. His father was registered with the port authorities as Crescent Stryker. He earned a salary as a hard working box stacker in the vast warehouses below the crust of Coruscant. His mother was registered under the name of Chantelle Celeste Stryker but was known by the nickname of CC. When Cicero became of school age CC found employment as a flight attendant with Star Tours. Eventually, his parents separated and later divorced. His father deteriorated into the darkness of Coruscant and his mother left for a life among the stars.
Cicero was raised by his father and grew up in the dark bowels of the infrastructure of the city planet. He used his wit and agility which helped him to survive. At an early age he was introduced to the gang lifestyle and earned his wages through various illicit activities. As it was mandatory by the government that every sentient child attend the academy, Cicero attended. He averaged in marks in his academic studies and held a love for all physical sports.
One of the highlights of Cicero’s adolescent years arrived during grav-ball season, when his skills enabled him to earn a spot on the local merchant service academy team. As a young adult, he was lucky enough to be accepted onto the Coruscant Knight’s Grav-ball team and played for a couple of successful seasons, averaging one goal per game. When he was twenty, Cicero collided with a Gamorrean and injured his right leg during a quarter-final game. After re-constructive surgery he found himself on the bench and eventually cut from the team.
In order to make a living, Cicero worked for a ground level freight supply company, where he was a box stacker. His motivation and drive promoted him to manage the lower level distribution warehouses for the company. His desire was to see the heavens past the Capital City lights that drowned out the stars at night. He took a job on a barge that would transport cargo from orbit to the surface of Coruscant. He worked for years on the barge, finally becoming 2nd Mate.

Cicero made a bold move and purchased a worn out YG-4210, named in honour of his forgotten mother who wandered throughout the stars. He started hauling cargo to the distant systems of the galaxy. No matter how he tried to break free of District G17, the slum lords convinced him to smuggle their merchandise throughout the galaxy, probably due to his father living in the clutches of their reach. He lived a dangerous and wealthy life.
One day in a cantina in the far outer rim, after consuming numerous bottles of fire-water, Cicero befriended a Jawa. As an opportunity to distance him from Coruscant, Cicero partnered with the foul smelling Jawa to transport "special items" throughout the galaxy. At least, that is what Cicero thought that was the agreement, considering he could not understand what the Jawa was saying. The intriguing Jawa opened the door of adventure and prestige to Cicero. As the Jawa pointed to the star map and declared, “A beton nya mombay m'bwa,” Cicero punched in the coordinates to their next destination.
During this time of dangerous escapades, the Jawa coined the catch phrase, "Keep calm, Cicero is here" as translated by the 3PO droid that Cicero finally obtained.
In an episode at Derra IV, Cicero contracted the dreaded Derra plague. His transformation was the most gruesome sight imaginable. After weeks of pain and torture, Cicero emerged a dashing, vibrant stud of a Gotal man. What was first seen as a curse, became his gain. He could now do more, see more, and be more. Yet, it was at this moment that his partnership with the Jawa deteriorated. The Jawa reported Cicero to local authorities as the murderer of “his best friend.” With security teams in pursuit, Cicero left the Jawa in Derra and headed toward the Krmar system in an attempt to get lost among the dreaded swoop gangs in the system.
In a daring investment, Cicero scraped enough credits together to purchase a vacant cantina in the Krmar system. Remodelling the cantina took nearly two years and consumed all his income. Cicero opened the most exotic cantina in the Outer Rim, The Rainbow Gem. Cicero used the Gem as his headquarters for all his business ventures. The Gem opened even more doors to Cicero. Numerous swoop gangs, smugglers, government agents, bounty hunters, Jedi and Sith frequented the Gem for information, business, and a drink of the best fire-water collection in the galaxy. Rumours had it that Sith and Jedi fellowshipped at the same table in the Gem; chatting as though they were companions for a life time.
Cicero returned to G17 for a short period of time to pay respect to his father at the time of his death and renewed the gleam of hope he once had as a child. Upon his return to Krmar he found himself in the crosshairs of a coup de ’tat. The Trandoshan security of the cantina, backed by the local swoop gang seized all his assets. Again, Cicero narrowly escaped the clutches of death by the hyper drive of his faithful YG-4210.
Cicero exited hyper in the Tionese Sector of the galaxy. In need of credits, Cicero joined the Tion Hegemony, enrolling in the Tionese Naval Fleet. For the next year he found himself on training missions and various deployments. In the deep void of space, travelling countless parsecs of time, Cicero joined with that gleam of hope. In solitude Cicero found peace. He adapted well to the military lifestyle and became proficient in weapons and piloting star ships.
Following this new found gleam of hope, Cicero departed Tion and heads into Deep Space searching...