Doctrine of the Rebel Alliance

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Doctrine of the Rebel Alliance

I. Declaration of Intent

We, the beings of the Rebel Alliance, do this day send forth this Declaration to His Majesty, the Emperor, and to all sentient beings in the galaxy, to make clear to all the Purposes and Goals of this Rebellion. We firmly acknowledge the importance and necessity of the institution of Galactic Government. We believe that the Galactic Government derives its power and right to rule from the consent of the governed. We believe that, should the rights of free beings be willfully and malignantly usurped, it is the unalienable right of said beings to alter or abolish said Government. We believe that the Galactic Empire has willfully and malignantly usurped the rights of the free beings of our galaxy and therefore, it is our unalienable right to abolish it from the galaxy. We do not take this course lightly. Government long established should not be changed for light and transient causes, but when a Government displays a history of usurpation, abuse and moral atrocity, displaying a clear design to subjugate totally and absolutely beings born free under the auspices of nature, it is our right - our duty - to depose that Government. The history of the present Galactic Empire is of repeated injuries upon its members, with the direct objective of establishing you, the Emperor, as absolute tyrant over the galaxy: You have disbanded the senate, the voice of the people; You have instituted a policy of blatant racism and genocide against the non-human peoples of the galaxy; You have overthrown the chosen rules of planets, replacing them with Moffs and governors of your choice; You have raised taxes without the consent of those taxed; You have murdered and imprisoned millions without benefit of trial; You have unlawfully taken land and property; You have extended the military far beyond what is necessary and prudent, for the sole purpose of oppressing your subjects. We, the Rebel Alliance, do, therefore, in the name - and by authority - of the free beings of the galaxy, solemnly publish and declare our intentions: To fight and oppose you and your forces, by any and all means at our disposal; To refuse any Imperial law contrary to the rights of free beings; to bring about your destruction of the Galactic Empire; To make forever free all beings in the galaxy. We additionally pledge to defend freedom across all bounds, and to defend the natural unalienable rights of all against any group that seeks their unlawful repression or rule. To these ends, we pledge our property, our honor and our lives.

II. Leadership of the Alliance

II (a). Supreme Commander: The Supreme Commander is the ultimate authority in the Rebel Alliance, and is responsible for (i) formal leadership of the Rebel Alliance Faction for all intents and purposes, (ii) development of the structure of the Alliance in order to best fulfill the Declaration of Intent, (iii) development of short and long term economic and military strategy, (iv) Chair and tie-breaker in High Command disputes and debates, (v) creation or dismissal of support and miscellaneous divisions as the Supreme Commander sees fit with HC input but does not need consent (for example, advisory positions, judicial corps, office of planning and development, etc.). The Supreme Commander is chosen from a member of High Command or a current advisor to the High Command who was once a member of the High Command, and that choice must be confirmed by a majority vote of the Rebel Alliance membership. If no candidate from High Command receives a majority vote, or there are no candidates from High Command, a member of the general Alliance populace may run for the position. If no candidate passes a majority vote, a simple majority vote by High Command will select the Supreme Commander.

II (b) High Command. High Command is the leadership council of the Alliance and is made up of the leaders of every major command, the Chief of Military Operations (CMO) and the Supreme Commander (SC). High Command is made up of the CMO and the Commanding Officers of the Naval Command, Star Fighter Command, the Army Command, Center for Rebel Intelligence, Interior, and Diplomacy. HC is to act as advisors in most matters and holds the power to overthrow any ruling with a six to nine vote and on matters directly concerning there divisions and men a five to nine vote.

II (c.). Chief of Military Operations. The CMO is the overall leader of all military operations in the Rebel Alliance and is responsible for coordinating all operations among the various military and support commands. The Supreme Commander chooses the CMO from one of the military commanders on High Command. The Supreme Commander’s choice must be approved by High Command in one of the following ways: The CMO must have the approval of 1 Member of Military HC and 2 non-Military HC or both Military HC and 1 non-Military HC. The CMO can be removed by a no-confidence vote that passes with a 75% majority (seven out of nine votes) of High Command. The CMO is effectively the second in command of the Alliance, and in the case of the incapacitation or death of the Supreme Commander must ensure the proper selection of a replacement and will lead the alliance until that occurs, within 2 weeks.

II (d). Removal of the Supreme Commander. The Supreme Commander can only be removed by a no-confidence vote that passes either High Command or the general Alliance populace by a 75% (five out of possible seven in HC) majority. The Supreme Commander does not get a vote in a no-confidence motion against them. If such a vote passes, the Supreme Commander must immediately cede their position and the CMO will take temporary leadership of the Alliance, pending selection of a new Supreme Commander.

II (e) Removal of a member of High Command. A member of High Command can only be removed by a vote that passes with a 75% majority by High Command (seven out of nine votes). This does not apply to the CMO.

II (f). Calling Votes of No-Confidence: Only High Command members may call votes of no confidence against the Supreme Commander. Only members of High Command and of the Military Command Staff (Fleet/Wing/Regiment COs) may call a vote of no confidence against the CMO. Only members of High Command and the particular Command’s Senior Staff may call a vote of no confidence against the Command’s HC member.

III. Military Commands

III (a) Chief of Military Operations: The CMO is the direct Commanding Officer of the Alliance Military and reports to the Supreme Commander. The CMO has the power to temporarily suspend any member of the military (including a High Commander), and is responsible for overseeing all military branches and for establishing a code of military justice. The CMO is responsible for maintaining an active and up to date roster of all military commands. The CMO is also responsible for updating the RA populace on a regular basis the progress occurring in High Command, albeit only with information deemed non-classified.

III (b). Naval Command. Naval Command is lead by a military officer with the position title of Chief of Naval Command and rank of High Admiral. The Naval Command is responsible for the organization and operation of Alliance Capital ships, as organized into Fleets, and Space Defense Stations. The Naval High Command Officer is responsible for communicating the decisions of the High Command to the Battle Group and Defense Group Command Staff. The Chief of the Navy is responsible for ensuring proper Fleet integration in Battle and Defense Groups. The CMO may add further responsibilities to the Naval High Commander portfolio.

III (c.). Starfighter Command. Starfighter Command is lead by a military officer with the position title of Chief of Starfighter Command and rank of High Marshall. The Starfighter Command is responsible for the organization and operation of Alliance Fighters, as organized into Wings. The Starfighter High Command Officer is responsible for communicating the decisions of the High Command to the Battle Group and Defense Group Command Staff. The Chief of the SFC is responsible for ensuring proper Wing integration in Battle and Defense Groups. The CMO may add further responsibilities to the Starfighter High Commander portfolio.

III (d). Army Command. Army Command is lead by a military officer with the position title of Chief of Army Command and rank of High General. The Army Command is responsible for the organization and operation of Alliance ground forces and vehicles, as organized into Divisions, and the continuous operation of Alliance ground based defenses. The Army Command is also responsible for safeguarding Naval ships and Space Stations against enemy boarding while themselves boarding enemy ships and installations. The Army High Command Officer is responsible for communicating the decisions of the High Command to the Battle Group and Defense Group Command Staff. The Chief of Army is responsible for ensuring proper Division integration in Battle and Defense Groups. The CMO may add further responsibilities to the Army High Commander portfolio.

IV. Support Commands

IV (a). Center for Rebel Intelligence is lead by a person with the title of Director of the Center for Rebel Intelligence (DCRI). CRI is responsible for external intelligence gathering as well as internal security and special operations. The DCRI reports directly to the SC, however, the CMO will receive all military intel, and may receive other information with the consent of the SC. The DCRI also coordinates the members of High Command as to allow for the most efficient and informed decision making in regards dealing with their particular duties as well as the general proper operation of the Alliance. Names of CRI sources or agents may not be disclosed without the permission of the SC.

IV (b) Alliance Diplomacy Command. The title of the head diplomat is High Ambassador. Alliance Diplomacy Command (ADC) is responsible for all diplomatic operations for the Rebel Alliance, including the pursuit, development and ratification of treaties with foreign governments and the evaluation of relationships with other factions. Only the Diplomacy Command, Supreme Commander and Chief of Military Operations may speak with external parties in an official manner and in the name of the Alliance, unless High Command authorizes another party to do this. The High Ambassador reports directly to the Supreme Commander. Before signing all treaties must be released to High Command for discussion, the High Ambassador, Supreme Commander and Chief of Military Operations have final say on treaty approval.

IV (c.). Interior Command. The Commanding Officer of Interior Command has the title of Chief of Interior Command. The duties of Interior Command entail all other operations crucial to the success of the Alliance. These include, but are not limited to, Research and Development Corps, Medical Corps, Engineering Corps, Transportation Corps, Nationalised Factions and the Alliance Academy. Each of these Divisions is to have a Commanding Officer who reports to the Chief of Interior Command. Interior Command is required to fulfill various non-military needs within the Alliance, as in mining, research, construction and logistics and anything related to the above mentioned Corps.

V. Removed

VI. Voting Procedures

VI (a). Quorum. All votes must be made with a minimum quorum/participation of 50%, be it High Command or of the Rebel Alliance populace. If quorum is not achieved, the vote can be tabled for one week and redone.

VI (b). High Command. Each member of High Command gets one vote in High Command votes. The Supreme Commander gets two votes, except in a no-confidence vote on the Supreme Commander themselves.

VI (c.). Rebel Alliance Populace. In the event of a vote by the RA populace, the vote must take place in a conspicuous and clear area. One week will be given to announce the vote, and one week will be given for the vote to occur. The Supreme Commander is responsible for ensuring a fair and clear vote.

VI (d). Voting rights are given to anyone who has been active for the past two weeks, starting on the first day of voting, (defined more clearly as someone who has logged into Darkness at least once in the past two weeks) and is on the memberlist of the Rebel Alliance CMG, or any of their Nationalized faction’s. Once a of either the Rebel Alliance faction, or a Rebel Alliance Nationalized faction has not logged in two weeks, then they lose their voting privileges.

VII. Changing the Alliance Doctrine

VII (a). High Command Proposed Changes. Any member of High Command may propose a Doctrine alteration and call for a High Command vote to accept or deny that alteration. In accordance with Section VI (B) High Command Voting Procedures, a majority is needed to pass the alteration. Any 3 members of High Command may propose a Doctrine alteration and call for an Alliance wide vote. The vote must be carried out in accordance with Sections VI (a) and (c.), a majority is needed for the vote to pass.

VII (b). Alliance Populace Proposed Changes. Any change proposed by the Alliance Populace that is to be decided by an Alliance wide vote must have the support of 10 active Alliance members who are in good standing as well as one High Command member. The vote is to take place in accordance with Sections VI (a) and (c.), a majority of 60% or more is required for the vote to pass.

VII (c.). Overruling Changes. Any change that has been implemented as a result of an Alliance wide vote may be nullified by a High Command vote in which all but 2 members vote to nullify the change. In the case where HC adopted a change by a margin of 2 or less votes, the Alliance Populace may overrule that change if 75% vote to nullify the change. In cases where a Doctrine change is supported by HC with a margin wider than mentioned above, the Populace of the RA may not nullify the change.


The Declaration of Intent of the Doctrine is the same text as the Declaration of War against the Galactic Empire. Also, with the signing of the New Republic Constitution, the Doctrine of the Rebel Alliance became null and void.