Ellec'as Turai

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Biographical Information
Race Chiss
Homeworld Csilla
Mother Fie'rio'turai
Father Ler'iso'turai
Children Unknown
Born Unknown
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.83 meters
Coloring Dark Blue
Eye Color Red
Political Information
Affiliation Chiss Ascendancy

Ellec'as'turai, M.D. or Castur is a doctor, pharmeceutical researcher, and military officer associated with the Chiss Ascendancy.



Castur was born to two doctors of the Turai house, a minor family consisting primarily of doctors and researchers. This was a small group that for the most part kept together to exert combined purchase and intellectual power. As a child Castur was impressed with ideals of selfless service, care of individuals, and importance of knowledge; the type of attitude you would expect from a family of doctors. He was also party to the current political attitude on Csilla at the time, rampant Chiss speceism and pride. Art, Science, and other pursuits of the mind where chief concerns of the Chiss during this period, and practitioners saw great successes.

No family is impervious to greed or corruption. As Castur entered adolescence, his house entered a period of arguments and separation. Disagreements resulted in fights, legal battles, and eventual division of assets. Now non-existant as any sort of house, members of the Turai family simple operate as small cells on their own accord. The small core that was left did not have enough resources to maintain their residence and way of life, eventually resulting in the family splitting completely for other ventures.

Castur's father ended up a medical researcher on a space station owned by a pharmaceutical company, rather than practicing as a medical doctor. In late adolescence Castur suprised his family by joining To'tarion, a military academy fleet that operated under the protection and supervision of the CEDF.

To'ta Rion was not a facility per se, rather a collection of ships and starfighters that operated as a fleet. All fleet operations were managed by students, with faculty taking observatory and supervisory roles. To ensure neutrality, To'ta Rion frequently accepted and recruited students of other species, who despite the xenophobic tendancies of the Chiss, were treated on an equal field.

Castur exceled as a leader, as he had no problem putting the welfare of others before his own. His psychological profiles frequently indicated that he had near suicidal tendencies when it came to the protection or livelihood of others. Strangely enough, he also had been accused of being detached, almost apathetic in certain matters. Regardless, his calm demeanor and conflict resolution bred great favor and respect in him from his fellow students.

Despite garnering great favor and a hopeful future with a military career, Castur left before graduating in favor of medical school, turning down all offers for commission in the CEDF. Most close friends assume this was related to the accidental death of his father.

Being from a family of doctors, medical school was second nature to Castur. There was nary a complaint about his work, and he showed complete dedication to the profession. Genuinely interested in the protection of others, the profession seemed like a perfect fit. He was allowed to leave school early, providing he completed his studies as a researcher with a pharmeceuticals firm sponsored by the Ascendancy. He did this and retained his position as a researcher, often also working as a private practitioner for complicated medical procedures that droids were unable to accomplish.


Castur can at best be described as disturbingly cool. He commands the respect of others with quiet, encouraging comments and well thought out logic rather than callous displays of power or aggression. He puts the welfare and concerns of others before his own, nearly to his own detriment.

With respect to medical practice, Castur takes a slightly different attitude. His confidence in his abilities and research causes him to take more risks on the operating table, with the idea of benefitting the patient. While he has been mostly successful, with every risk there is likely an occurance failure. Castur carries every one of his medical failures with him, literally, stored on a datapad as a reminder.

Despite being respected as a leader, and even as a politician, for whatever reason Castur makes and retains very few actual friends. Not many are acquainted with his personal life, and those that are either refuse to discuss it, or are dead.