Holocron:Featured Articles/2020/March

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Most, if not all, records of Dain Vel Iblis's birth and early years of his life have been destroyed by the massive civil war that erupted on Comra a few days after he was born. Nothing is known of his relatives, with exception to Dain's personal recollection of his mother, Catherine Wagner. Rebel-funded and supported insurgents fought the Imperial-aligned planetary government throughout the entire planet of Comra, causing millions of non-combatant casualties and displacing billions. Dain's mother was one of those displaced refugees, unable to escape the planet due to the lock-down of off-world travel by the insurgents and the Atomic technology level of the planet. As Imperial evacuation efforts were targeted and halted by terrorist attacks, the only method of off-world evacuation was desperately begging or bribing off Rebel-brought mercenaries and smugglers. And the likelihood of lawless contractors bothering with any of the refugees, with the exception of exploiting them, was nill.

Dain Vel Iblis was born as Spencer Wagner on Year -12 Day Unknown CGT on the war-torn planet of Comra, being later adopted into the Vel Iblis family. He is a professional mercenary by trade, specializing in unconventional strategies and tactics for mechanized and armoured warfare. He served for a short stint in the Galactic Empire, before retiring due to personal reasons and later on, pursuing his personal political and economic endeavors. He spent short periods of times with various groups, such as Endless Endeavors, Veilhal Nomands, and Tresario Star Kingdom. Dain is currently searching for Nerfs to herd. (Full article...)

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