Holocron:Featured Articles/2022/April

Ordo Perkins was a Mandalorian and the owner/operator of Cuy’val Dar Station, a deep space training facility and commander of Ordo’s Dozen. Ordo was born Jasper Perkins on Corellia to Mirax and J'rek Perkins in Year -15 before the Galactic Empire. Ordo's father and mother raised Ordo and his two sisters as Corellians. Although, in reality, they were Mandalorians from Clan Ordo who were hiding after the mass murder of their clanmates. He was very inquisitive and investigative. He would spend countless hours poring over information and events looking for answers and clues to problems. Ordo analyzed everything he could but often only stored what he found for personal use. Ordo had a fatherly streak and could be quickly caught trying to help the weak and downtrodden, especially if they happen to also be female. (Full article...)