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Mantla is one of the nine Cardinal Swords of Tau. Forged by the Nohgri Bladesmith Sekou Tau himself, Mantla embodies the essence of the north.


Mantla was forged fifth among the Cardinal Swords. The master-smith embodied Mantla with the essence of the north. While parts of this essence are unknown, certain parts of the essence are known. Mixed into the essence are tiny fragments of the glaciers of Nimban and frost of the mountains of Blimph II, along with the essence of bitter winter winds. This essence of the north give the blade a chilling power. When Mantla is swung through the air, it leaves the air chilled in its wake. It also whistles like the winter wind it is endowed with. This combination of cold and the heat from the forging requires master skill on behalf of the smith. The care that is required extends the forging process to a month in length. As part of the process, when the blade is heated, the master smith held it up to the the north wind to help in take in the essence of that wind.

Battle-testing and Ownership

Once the forging process is complete, the sword is turned over to a Var Kelen high priest who endowed it with special Force powers. Once this was done, an acolyte would field test the weapon, ensuring that it was of sufficient caliber to be sold. Mantla passed these trials with ease. The acolyte charged with its testing went above his duties, challenging a nest of gundarks single handed. Mantla performed spectacularly, making Aak Dog food out of the entire nest. Having passed the combat testing, Mantla was placed on the market, but not just to anyone. The Cardinal Swords are priced to be for those who understand their true value and will thus put them to good use. Mantla was purchased by Shall Ti. Though originally a pale blue green in color, as Mantla bonded with Shall, it turned a shade of mustard yellow reflecting his attributes.