Natonito Albright

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Natonito Albright
Biographical Information
Race Devaronian
Homeworld Devaron
Mother unknown
Father unknown
Spouse None
Siblings None
Children None
Born Day 143 of Year - 18
Died N/A
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 5'-10"
Coloring Orange
Hair Color None
Eye Color Hazel
Political Information
Affiliation New Republic
Rank Junior Logistics Pilot
Positions N/A
Prior Affiliation None
Awards None

Natonito Albright is a logistics pilot for Arkanian Royal Engineers and a citizen of the New Republic. He is also an outspoken advocate for equality for Devaronian males on his home planet and abroad and against the stereotyping of his people as untrustworthy.

Humble Beginnings

Little is known about the ordinary beginnings of Natonito Albright on the planet Devaron. His father was a long-distance imperial logistics pilot, and he and his mother did not get along well. As soon as he was old enough, he went off-planet and honed his piloting skills with some smugglers, working to bring activists safely to and from Devaron to work against their corrupt matriarchal government. Soon, in addition to his piloting duties, he became a political activist himself, but he was imprisoned and his right horn was removed for his political activities, which were branded as terrorism. Escaping from the death penalty of being marooned in space as well as from the Imperial task force sent after him, he crash landed on Talasea in the Morobe System, far away from those who sought his life.

New Beginnings In The New Republic

Seizing the opportunity of his escape, Natonito signed on with the Arkanian Royal Engineers as they were obtaining the banthas they needed for the Bucking Bantha Rodeo Tour held by the Arkanian Royal Engineers. After recovering from his injuries from some feral bantha and from the crash landing, he signed on as a logistics pilot in the Bpfassh system, where he became a citizen of the New Republic and an active pilot for his organization, delivering ships and raw materials all over the galaxy, and seeking posters of attractive female pilots to calm his lonely heart. In the meantime, he sought to continue his activism for the rights of Devaronian men from afar in his commitment to defend equality.

"Just be glad I'm not force sensitive, or I'd give you a wedgie."
— Natonito Albright

"What do you say to those who are opposed to drunken revelry and promiscuous humpling on moral grounds? Also, what are your thoughts on the Force Law?"
— Natonito Albright