Scarlet Thranta

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Scarlet Thranta
Class Capital
Type Prototype
Type 2 Turbo Lasers (Rumored)

4 Heavy Lasers (Rumored)
Docking Bay (Rumored)
Class 4 Hyperdrive (Rumored)

Date of Manufacture Unknown
Affiliation Unknown

Alone In The Galaxy

"She is...the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. ...Can I have her?"
— Harlynn Kinn

Scarlet Thranta is a one of a kind prototype capital ship, classified MCR-90 Diplomatic Vessel, and is a Mon Cal remake of the CR-90. Unfortunately, the ship's blueprints never made it into the hands of engineers and this prototype is the only one of its kind in the galaxy.

History Lesson

Flagship of the Ackmin family for years, the Thranta started its life early on as the Song of Hope, an ordinary Corellian Corvette. With the growing wealth of the family, its friends, and business associates, the Sons and Daughters of Freedom alliance was formed, and the Song of Hope was remodeled and renamed the Scarlet Thranta as a symbol of freedom and independence for its members to stand behind.

As with the ever-changing fellowship of the group under her banner, she too changed in appearance repeatedly. In time, her first owner Jesfa Ackmin would disappear from the galactic scene abruptly, and the vessel would spend years docked in the family's Republic-era X-7 Station Freeport. With the Sons and Daughters of Freedom movement all but in shambles, the ship that had once been the symbol of independence was nothing more than a rusting heap of metal in a nigh-dilapidated station.

With the coming of age of the only remaining heir to the Ackmin family, Illygn Ackmin sought to attempt a revival of the family business and power. Gathering what associates still remained from the days of her father, Illygn and adopted family member Ermine Nozual soon realized that while the dream of the SDF was gone, the possibility of making the Thranta an idol once more was something that was entirely feasible.

Pooling the family's remaining resources, Mon Calamari research and engineering teams were brought in to work on once more remodeling the vessel. This time, however, the goal wasn't just a simple revamp, but rather a total reconstruction. Everything from the turbolasers, to the engines, to the chassis were remodeled; not for combat, but for turning the vessel into a work of art. For weeks, the newly revived Mon Calamari Shipyards poured their heart into the work of remaking the Scarlet Thranta into what was dreamed to be the first of a whole new line of Corvettes. Ships that not only got you where you needed to go safely, but could be looked upon in wonder.

Built alongside the Thranta was its partner vessel, the MC-666 Luxury Liner prototype vessel, later christened the Aiwha Rider, the pair of ships were due to bring life, as well as credits, back into the organization for future endeavors.

Ship of Grandeur

This ship has seen a number of famous beings walk its corridors, some of which include King Alex Tylger, Viceroy Jude Vatz and Mand'alor Kai Oryk.