Valkier Holocron

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Valkier Holocron
Type Holocron

The Valkier Holocron is a mysterious, gold-plated Holocron discovered many years ago in the tomb of a Togruta Force user named Darvus Valkier, hence the name. It appears in numerous writings post-dating its discovery and has changed hands multiple times. Currently the Skoria clan has possession of the Holocron.


Almost nothing is known about the Valkier Holocron before it mysteriously appeared in galactic history. The little that is known is based on some holorecordings found in the tomb of Darvus Valkier, a Force user believed to have been the one to manufacture the Holocron. The holorecordings indicate that the Force-using Valkier built the Holocron towards the end of his life to store the knowledge he had gained over his lifetime. The holocron reportedly also contains a list of agents of both Sith and Jedi agents embedded in their counterparts orders. Valkier, a neutral himself, had supposedly buried the list in the holocron after coming into possession of it, in order to prevent full scale war from breaking out between the two factions. Due to the longevity of some species, there is a potential that some agents of both factions from the list might still be active. This rumor has led to several theft attempts over the years.


When discovered by explorers in the desert of Shili, the tomb of Valkier was sealed and untouched. Several archaeological digs went through the site. On the third dig, the holocron was discovered. It quickly made its way into the hands of a private museum on Shili. It was not until two digs later, when the holorecordings were found, that the holocron took on any significance. Shili is held by the New Republic but they initially took no interest in the holocron's potential treasure trove of information. However, a clumsy burglary attempt by a Sith splinter group known as the Dark Council alerted the New Republic to the holocron's potential. They immediately subpoenaed the holocron. However, the clumsy efforts by the Dark Council had attracted the attention of another, far more organized group of Sith. This shadowy group, known as the Circle of Red, had reason to believe that the names of several of their agents in the Jedi order were on the supposed list. They sprang into action, swiping the holocron from the museum before the New Republic could claim it. It is here the history of the holocron gets muddy. While ex-filtrating from the museum, the Circle of Red was attacked by the Dark Council. In the dark and confusion of combat, the holocron was lost. Some people believe a member of the Dark Council double crossed the others and kept the holocron. Others believe it was lost in the confusion. Whichever is true, the holocron was lost to history for close to two hundred years.


By the time the holocron was rediscovered in an antique market on Coruscant, all memory of the burglaries had faded into history. The holocron changed hands several times from collector to collector, before being purchased by a retired Imperial general. He was drawn by the mysterious history of the holocron and, after researching it extensively, made arrangements to turn it over to the Sith Order upon his death. However, once again fate or the Force intervened. Upon his decease, his heirs disputed his will. While the will was tied up in court, the General's collection of artifacts was stolen from the warehouse they were being held in. This time the collection was mostly recovered from the black market sales. Except the holocron. It appeared again a few months later, this time on the neutral world of Nimban . With no possible way to trace it, Imperial officials made no attempt to recover the holocron. In a highly publicized auction, the holocron sold for a record price into the hands of the Skoria Clan which currently possess it.