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◾Pre-Empire Confederacy of Independent Systems {{C|formerly}}
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Revision as of 09:00, 3 November 2015

Venari Haliat
Biographical Information
Birthplace: Sakkhor, Trandosha
Born: Year 45 day 264 (BCGT)
Species: Trandoshan
Children: Zon Halissk, Zhad Halissk, Anon Drekk
Languages: Dosh, Galactic Basic, Bocce, Hapan, Mando'a, Ryl, Catharese
Religion: The Scorekeeper
Physical Description
Gender: Male
Height: 218 cm (7ft 2in)
Weight: 145 kg (319 pounds)
Eye Color: Amber
Political Information
Affiliation: Duskscale Clan

◾Pre-Empire Confederacy of Independent Systems (formerly)

Title: Scalelord of Duskscale
Notable Info: Force-Sensitive
"Sham Ba Davjäan inyameet"
— Venari Haliat

Venari Haliat (previously Venari Halissk) is the Force-sensitive Scalelord of Duskscale Clan, as well as a Trandoshan veteran and a vicious hunter. He was aswell one of the few Trandoshans to actively serve the CIS during the Clone wars, although not publicly known. After actively avoiding the public light for the past few years he has recently emerged back into the galaxy.

Venari commanded numerous fleets and led many troops into battle during his service with the Confederacy, which mounted multiple successful invasions of lightly guarded planets and installations. During the purge of the Jedi at the end of the Clone wars, Venari returned to his homeworld of Trandosha after the initial Force ripple across the galaxy and later when his droid forces were deactivated.


Early Life

Venari was born into the Duskscale Clan, the rulers of a powerful region on Trandosha. In his youth Venari was trained in the ways of hunting and fighting by his grandfather, Tann Halissk, around this time he and his grandfather discovered his affinity with the Force, he would often train with a local shaman as well. He later joined Confederate military. Venari would participate in a number of raids on the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk, shortly thereafter he inherited his father's title of Scalelord, after unknown circumstances.

Venari in his early years

Venari's rule over his clan became an important one, he managed to increase its holdings twofold as well as the elimination a number of other rival clans. Early in his rule, he was assailed by three Noghri assassins who held vibro axes. He managed to kill two of them with only a scar on his forehead and used to Force push the third out of the window, landing on its neck, killing him, but not before retrieving the name of their employer. Venari had discovered that his, cousin who wanted the position for himself, had hired the Noghri to assassinate him, after killing him, Venari proceeded to devour his corpse.

Clone Wars

The recruitment of Venari Halissk (now known as Haliat) was not widely approved of in the more conservative minds. Haliat was not selected as a recruit just for his combat abilities; the Separatists knew that he did not care enough about the bigger picture and not go looking for answers about what the Clone Wars truly was. The employment of a new commander caused new opportunities for his leaders: a clone regiment seized control of several Separatist refueling depots, including one that contains a supposedly new fuel source that could decrease power consumption in the fleet. The Trandoshan was sent by his superiors to end the occupation, resulting in a vicious battle that lasted for days which ended with the destruction of the clone unit save one commando that escaped. The depots were liberated, unfortunately, the fuel source was destroyed in the initial Republic attack. As the Confederate fleet began its siege into the Core Worlds of the Republic, his Human handler Rodric Torsin tasked Haliat with attacking Sernpindal—a world at the fringe of Republic space. Shortly after, Haliat assembled a Confederate fleet and led them into an assault on the planet in 23 BCGT. Clone intelligence was aware of his presence, but was unable to gather more than cursory intelligence on him, as well as reports from the Wookiees. Three months into the battle, Venari Haliat oversaw a excavation of an ancient facility that was abandoned on one of the planets polar regions. At the beginning of the investigate, Haliat sent in battle droids with bombs planted in their receivers incase trouble was detected. He would later enter the facility and uncover numerous items and data including a lightsaber from a long dead Sith marauder.

A Clone commando team was quickly dispatched to the facility with orders to destroy it before the Separatists could gain anything from it. While his battle droids engaged three of the clones, Haliat used his stealth to ambush and kill one of the commandoes then moved on to take on the commander. As the fight between the two adversaries progressed. The clone drove his combat knife into his foes chest, prompting Haliat to kill the clone by cutting him in half with the remnant lightsaber he had just remembered he had in his possession. Venari Haliat managed to escape with his Jagannath points intact shortly before the Republic destroyed the facility, fortunately he already had the necessary data he was sent for.

War's Interim

At some point between 24 and 22 BCGT, Venari's successful leadership and combat abilities earned him the rank of Commander of a Confederate fleet. Sometime after this promotion he led his forces into the battle of Hypori. Haliat and his forces caught the small Republic fleet unaware. He landed his ground forces and assaulted the orbiting ships and station before the clones could react. While his gunships bombarded defensive positions, Haliat led an assault on the Clone garrison. He fought the local clone battalion, who were unaware of his presence until moments before. Haliat and his droid forces wiped out the entire unit. Throughout his time as a commander he was responsible for the deaths of a little under a million military lives and the destruction of a fleet worth of ships. Clone intelligence had attempted keep up with him and only succeeded on a number of occasions.


Shortly after retrieving a data packet for the Confederacy on {REDACTED}, 22 BCGT, an event Venari was not prepared for happened. A ripple had spread out across the galaxy, caused by the deaths of hundreds of Jedi throughout the galaxy, he would have been alright if he had known about it, unfortunately he didn't and he fell unconscious at the bridge of his ship. Upon waking he found himself in the med bay surrounded by deactivated droids, unaware of what happened he quickly fled via a shuttle towards his homeworld of Trandosha, the one place he knew he would be safe and could recuperate from what had transpired.

Home is where you victims are

Returning to his homeworld, he planned to visit as many clans to unite his people incase an outside force attempts to seize Dosha for their own; one of the clans he visited was an old rival of his. Unfortunately the local Dosha clans were divided and civil war broke out between the more traditional clans and the progressive clans that wished to expand their species to other worlds. The war would later wage on for decades with many Trandoshans and even outsider mercenaries dead with only but a few factions remaining. However, it should be noted that the majority of Trandoshans did not participate as the war only took place on a continent rarely visited by outsiders and not fully mapped.

In 16 BCGT, Haliat met with a Mandalorian clan chieftain named Dannen Guga of Clan Guga, along with his honor guard and a wimpy looking scientist in one of his clans stronghold. There, he and the Mandalorian discussed the similarities of their cultures, as well as a treaty between their two peoples.

In 9 BCGT, Venari Haliat had entered into negotiations with a Wookiee tribe, along with a Mandalorian delegation. Haliat would once again met with Dannen Guga and the Wookiee Chieftain Merumfull on Taarkano. During the negotiations, an anti-alien group attacked the delegations. When their evac ship was blown out of the sky, they were relocated by their escorts to an abandoned facility on the planet where they were able to evacuate off-world and back to safety. With all parties walking away without agreeing to anything useful.

Delicate Negotiations

In 7 BGCT, he helped out his Mandalorian allies in exchange for their help with his civil war. Venari helped track down half a dozen terrorists and either interrogated them or killed them outright. The interrogated Mandalorian terrorists revealed that their cell was engineered by Barret Syphex and Venari traveled to his location in Pil Dillar aboard his Ginivex star fighter. Barret attempted to convince Venari to help his cause, though he refused. A fight begun between the two in which Venari feigned ignorance. Barrett, overestimating his skill, was taken by surprise when Venari decapitated him and ate his corpse. After the mission, the Mand'alor asked for his help again. Upon arriving at Kessel, the Mand'alor informed Venari about an nearby Separatist holdout facility. The Mand'alor asked him to lead a team to secure the facility for Mandalore.

The Droid Problem

Venari traveled to Mandalore aboard his Neutron bulk cruiser Gwa Hak. Upon arriving, he descended to the surface aboard his YV-666 to meet up with his allies. Along with Beshk and Toggi, two of his most trusted allies, he greeted the Mandalorians and begun working to go underway for their joint mission to Gyndine. Hours before their arrival, Venari decided to watch the Mandalorians train, alongside Liah Kaar, a Mandalorian scout. By the time the training session was over, the party moved to the observation deck to witness their arrival. Shortly after, Venari noticed a Munificent-class star frigate approaching their position. As the large craft began firing upon their position, they managed to evade the opening volleys, with only minor damage. After destroying the star frigate with some effort, they felt they could not waste time. As they prepared to enter orbit, Gwa Hak was attacked by another star frigate The cruiser managed to destroy the ship and continued through to the atmosphere. Upon gaining a viable orbit, Gwa Hak was attacked by dozens of modified Scarab Droid Fighters and the cruiser was forced to crash land on the planets surface.

The operation's team—Venari, Beshk, Karniss, Zissk, Liah Kaar, Aaryn Averrod, Patiel Kast, Protector Cran Belwynn, Jake Tana, Layson Cora, four Trandoshans, six Mandalorian recruits, and Toggi—departed the crashed ship and began travelling towards the Separatist holdout HQ. After passing a herd of Dewback, the group was ambushed by a pack of Vornskr. The group managed to evade the Vornskr, and they eventually moved on towards the Dewback. However, they were promptly attacked by Gundarks. During the skirmish, Kaar was dragged away by a Gundark. When Kaar's disappearance was noticed, Patiel ordered Venari, Aaryn, and Layson Cora to track her down by using Venari's abilities while the rest of the party continued on towards the holdout. While searching for Kaar, the trio lost contact with the rest of the team and the Gundarks managed to hide their tracks, even from a Force-Sensitive. The trio resolved to continue to the holdout, hoping Kaar out escape on her own. Along their journey, they were attacked by four rare Magnaguards. The droids attempted to kill the group by knocking down trees and throwing large rocks. Having avoided the "attacks," Venari had gotten tired of playing dodge-the-rock and threw the rocks back at them, destroying them. More droids, this time average Battle droids, arrived at their location, though Venari and Aaryn managed to destroy most of the droids, while the rest fell back. Unfortunately, the droid's attack displaced the group even further from Kaar's location. As they progressed towards the holdout, the three were attacked once again by a lone Gundark, which forced them to take cover up on a cliffside. Communications were restored between the two groups, allowing a team to sneak up on the Gundark, allowing Venari to kill it with his lightsaber.

Inside the compound, Tana managed to access a command interface, but they were promptly attacked by more droids. As the droids arrived in waves, Venari, Tana, Cora, Toggi, and Karniss retreated down a service elevator, while the rest escape through a corridor. Finding themselves within the compound's tunnels, they discovered the power station. While Toggi worked to repair the station, Cora is killed by a commando droid which is immediately destroyed by Venari. Utilizing the systems map, Toggi finds the exit. However, the group came across a blast door which was blocking their path, with the control suit on the other side, then the exit. Venari and Karniss manage to destroy the door, using the Force and explosives. While waiting for Toggi to gain access to the controls to open the exit, the two Trandoshans were ambushed and attacked by dozens of battle droids. By the time Toggi managed to open the door, Venari and Karniss had defeated the droids, though they were slightly wounded. While Toggi took control of the local systems, the Mandalorians, Beshk, Zissk and the rest located Kaar and had engaged more droids. After they dealt with the droids, Venari, Karniss, Toggi, and Tana arrived and regroups with the rest of their team. Afterwards, the team returned to Gwa Hak, only being threatened by a pack of Vornskr along the way. Shortly afterwards, the team managed to repair the ship and they headed back to Mandalore to debrief with only five deaths.

Hutt Problems (6CBT)

Main article: Anon Drekk

Having transporting mineral goods to Mandalorian space in a BFF-1 Bulk Freighter, Venari decided to sleep in the hot parts of the ship during the entirety of the journey. Somewhere along the trip, pirates attacked his ship. During the boarding action, Venari first helped Aaryn Averrod repel the invaders. After the ship's defenders were all active and the pirates had been driven back onto their own ship. Soon, Venari and several other troops infiltrated the enemy craft, proceeding throughout the vessel's hallways.

During the short battle, Venari encountered a number of slaves that had belonged to the ships Hutt captain. One in particular caught his attention, Anon Drekk (the name he was quickly given), would be adopted by him later on in the following weeks.

Personality & traits

Venari Haliat is a very switched on Trandoshan who is know for being an intelligent individual, a great tactician and a skilled fighter. He is also a wise decision-maker and decides to spend lives of his men carefully. Venari is able to think outside of the box and does adhere to Trandoshan honor everywhere other then in combat. In time during the war, Venari had even began to respect certain individuals, mostly non-clones.

Following his arrival back at Trandosha, Haliat managed to calm down, most likely because of the time he spent commanding and guiding from the back instead of in the front for most of the time.

Special Traits

Venari can be distinguished by a scar on his forehead, a healed chest wound from a Nexu, and a slight OCD when it comes to walking up stairs by tapping the bottom twice. Like the rest of his people, he has a large collection of trophies from many different species, a large armory of weaponry, armor, along with a view overlooking a valley on his home world. He is known to have participated in many battles and having taken part in many hunts. This is evident of the previously mentioned collection. Venari has also a number of weapons not commonly seen in the hands of Trandoshans, such as a customized whip he frequently uses in CQB. Moreover, Wookiee intelligence has confirmation he has used his Force and natural abilities against their kind to overpower some of the strongest members of a tribe.

Powers & abilities

Venari possess all the natural abilities of his species, such as superhuman strength, infrared vision, and unique regenerative abilities that allows regenerating of lost limbs, augmented with his Force abilities, Venari is a an extremely powerful combatant.


  • The Force: As a result of being born with a high amount of Midi-chlorians within his cells, Haliat has the ability to detect and alter the flow of the Force, a almost supernatural entity that exists in all life in the galaxy and possibly the universe. Venari has mastered the usage of healing, barriers, and force lightning while only just starting on battle meditation and mind tricks.
  • Trandoshan Physiology
    • Superhuman Strength: Venari, like the rest of his species, possesses immense strength exceeding that of most other species. Venari, due to his connection with the Force, he can enhance his strength to the point of rivaling that of even the Wookiees for a short duration.
    • Superhuman Durability: Venari's reptilian physiology is much more resistant to physical damage than other species. He can also survive in temperatures most other species would not surivive.
    • Longevity: Venari, with help from the Force, can drain life and the Force from individuals, and has gained the ability of using the Force to regenerate his own life force, granting Haliat with an extended lifespan.
    • Healing Factor: Much like every other individual being in the galaxy, Venari can suffer from wounds. Haliat's reptilian healing factor can regenerate entire limbs unlike most other species. Combined with his Force powers, Venari can heal to an even greater extent.
    • Infrared Vision: Venari can see into the infrared spectrum due to his Trandoshan physiology. Thus, he perceived things due to the heat that they emit.


Venari Haliat is an incredibly skilled Trandoshan, famed as one of the deadliest Trandoshans in the galaxy. His skills in combat and warfare has proven invaluable during his service to the Separatists cause, and later to his people. Trained aggressively in his youth by Tann Halissk, Venari Haliat is a skilled combatant and competent Force user. Since he had obtained a lightsaber, he has significantly refined his capabilities with the lightsaber, along with other weaponry ranging from heavy machine guns to the smallest of knives. Having proven his skills at war, Venari attracted the attention of other Trandoshan clans.

Haliat is known for displaying incredible prowess with his lightsaber and ELG-3A. Known to deftly wield a lightsaber, Venari operates the weapon with remarkable power and speed, enhanced with his connection with the Force. Venari is able to use his lightsaber to block and deflect blaster shots thanks to his Force precognition. During an engagement against an Separatist holdout faction in his Mandalorian territory, Venari engaged numerous BX-commando droids and average droids and succeeded in destroying the droids, despite their swiftness, and the numerical advantage.


He favors his customized lightsaber he had acquired during the war with the republic, however, he still uses a vibroblade that has been in his possession since before the Clone Wars, Clone's Bane. Venari most often uses a DLT-20a in ranged combat, and duel-wielded ELG-3As he acquired from a friend a long time ago. Haliat is also in possession of a number of ships including an YV-666, a Sprint, and a Ginivex starfighter that has been in his possession since he got it during the Clone Wars, and throughout the years has helped him in his war on Dosha.

  • Venari Haliat's Armor:
    • Pre-Clone Wars & During: Venari's first armor set that he wore into battle was almost chitinous and organic in appearance, reflecting its origin on Trandosha. His helmet, which encompassed most of his face, vaguely resembles a Frist shark. A cross-shaped pattern of purplish insets faces outward from a central point on the helmet. A blade-like talon, derived from the teeth of Dosha's predators, is located on the inner toe of either boot.
    • Post Clone Wars: While Haliat at first donned his scalelord armor during the Clone Wars, he has recently been seen wearing a heavily customized Trandoshan-Mandalorian hybrid battle armor, mixing the two cultures into one. This armor is gold in color and more baroque then his scalelord armor set.

Known Associates

  • Tann Halissk: His paternal grandfather, Tann Halissk is the one who trained Venari in the ways of the warrior and even located a tutor for his grandson when his Force abilities began to manifest.
  • Veneb Halissk: His father, Veneb Halissk was the former scalelord of his clan before the Clone Wars, Veneb passed away while fighting off a Clone attack on Dosha.
  • Mundokk Halissk: Not much information has been gathered about his mother, it is possible she passed away but it is unknown.
  • Zon Halissk: Being the elder son of a scalelord is no easy task, Zon Halissk spent most of his life with his father before he rode off into the galaxy during the Clone Wars to bring new treasures to Dosha, during his father's absence, Zon has proven that his father's skills in battle are hereditary over and over again in the Doshan civil war.
  • Zhad Halissk: The youngest of Venari Halissk's two children, Zhad was born during the early years of the civil war that current rages to this day on the small continent.
  • Unknown Trandoshan Force-Sensitive: This individual is responsible for teaching Venari all he knows and more about the Living Force, she is also a known acquaintance of Tann Halissk, however not much is known about her or even if she is still alive.
  • Zon's Mother: Not much is known about Zon's mother, all that is known is she mated with Haliat before the Clone Wars and that it is probable that she is still alive.
  • Zhad's Mother: Much like Zon's mother, Zhad's is shrouded in secrecy, all that is known is that she mated with Venari during the civil war.
  • Anon Drekk: Ever since meeting Anon for the first time on the pirate's ship, Venari has treated Anon as a son, and considers him one.